• Mustafa Behcet'in Telhîs Şerhi: Behcetü'l-Erîb (İnceleme- Çeviri Yazılı Metin) 

      Adalar Subaşı, Derya (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-06-21)
      The third chapter of Siraceddin es-Sekkâkî's Arabic work Miftâh al-‘Ulûm, which deals with the sciences of meaning and expression, formed the basis for many works to be written later. The work called Talkhis al-Miftâh ...
    • Nazlı Eray'ın Hikâye ve Romanlarında Ankara'nın Kentsel Bellek Mekânları 

      Alpasar, Ayşen (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-07-03)
      The aim of this study is to examine the concept of urban memory, a sub-concept of social memory that focuses on the ways of transferring and reflecting the memory of urban space, in the works of Nazlı Eray (1945-). The ...
    • Nedim Divanı'nda Renkler 

      Çakıcı, Muhammet Emre (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Colors are not just physical phenomena. It is a symbol or sign that has important effects on people, society and culture and it is also directly or indirectly related to almost every part of life; from physiology to art, ...
    • Nev’izâde Atâyî’nin Sohbetü’l-Ebkâr Mesnevisinde Ahlâkî Esaslar 

      Mazıcıoğlu, Neslihan Ece (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-02-02)
      It is one of the oldest subjects of ethics, philosophy and literature, which includes rules related to all areas of life. Works containing moral elements have existed since the beginning of oral literature. Divan literature ...
    • Nihani Divanı (İnceleme-Metin) 

      Ekici, Ayşegül (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Nihânî appears as a mystic poet in 19th century Turkish literature. A descendant of Sheikh Hâmid-i Velî, he was one of the Halvetiye and Bayramiye sheikhs educated in his dargah. He was from Darende and grandson to a ...
    • Niyâzî Dîvânçesi (İnceleme-Metin) 

      Tunç, Tülay (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Dîvân is a collection of works of poetry written by the poets of classical Turkish poetry. They are usually arranged in a certain order, but they may be due to the lack of one or more of these species or because the volume ...
    • Oğuz-Kıpçak Dil Etkileşimi: Türkiye Nogaycası Örneği (Ses ve Biçim Bilgisi) 

      Taşçı, Nur Sena (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      The Noghays who immigrated from their homeland to Turkey in 18th and 19th century live in Ankara, Eskişehir, Konya and Adana their counties today. The Noghays who came there with immigration encountered with a new cultural ...
    • Oktay Rıfat'ın Şiirlerinde Doğa Farkındalığı: Çevreci Eleştiri Işığında Bir Okuma 

      Aksoy, Özge (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2014)
      The damage that has been given to the nature by human is accelerating gradually.On the basis of this condition, which threatens the sustainable future of the world there are anthropocentric philosophical, political and ...
    • Orhan Koçak'ın Eleştirisinde Etkilenme Endişesi 

      Coşkun, Emre (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In this study, critique of Orhan Koçak, who developed a poetry theory about the poet's attempt to create himself against his predecessor by using the Harold Bloom’s concept of the anxiety of influence, Bahisleri Yükseltmek- ...
    • Orhan Pamuk'un Kara Kitap Adlı Romanının Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı bir Çalışma 

      Bakuradze, Sandro (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      Being the first Turkish Nobel Prize winner in any field, Orhan Pamuk is one among few Turkish writers of worldwide renown. Well known for his exotic prose, use of post-modern literary techniques, love of Istanbul and ...
    • Orhan Veli Şiirinde Özne ve Varoluş Sorunsalı 

      Ulus, Gökçe (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-07)
      Orhan Veli Kanık brought a modernist initiative to Turkish literature in the post- Republican periods. Being famous for changing the traditional poem perception, his poems have been studied by philosophical approach and ...
    • Orhun Türkçesi Söz Varlığının Oğuz Grubu Lehçeleriyle Ses ve Şekil Bilgisi Bakımından Karşılaştırılması 

      Olgun, Muhammet (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
      In this study, in the first chapter, information about Orkhon Turkic and in the second chapter, information about Oghuz group dialects are given. In the third chapter, phonetics, which is one of our subjects of study, is ...
    • Osmanlı Devleti'nin Kuruluş Dönemini Ele Alan Tarihi Romanlar 

      Kaya, Zübeyde Aslıhan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-01)
      This study comprises the historical novels about the foundation process of the Ottoman Empire, hence the period called Osman Gazi's life span. The aim of the thesis is to determine the relevance of the novels based on the ...
    • Pakize Başaran'ın Romanları ve Romancılığı 

      Ercan, Yasemin (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      This study included eleven novels written by Pakize Başaran between the years 1951-1977. The findings of the study were presented under two main titles. In the first part, the author was discussed in terms of her “Life”, ...
    • Postmodern Türk Romanında Grotesk 

      Nurdan, Gülçin Tuğba (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      NURDAN, Gulcin Tugba, Postmodern Grotesque in Turkish Novel Doctoral Thesis. Ankara. 2020. The concept of grotesque, which emerged as a name given to cave decorations in Europe in the 15th century, has started to appear ...
    • Rauf Mutluay'ın Eleştirmen Kimliği 

      Köhnetarfun, Sena Merve (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Criticism is the work of judging, adjudicating and examining. During the periods of Turkish literature the words like arguing, disputation, mübahase, takriz, mukakeme, intikad are used and the latest form of criticsm has ...
    • Ra’ûfî Şeyh Seyyid Ahmed Divanı (İnceleme-Metin) 

      Şayin, Esra (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      In the 18th century, when the distance between our classical literature and our religiousmystical(sufism) folk literature became shorter and closest to each other, members of both traditions inspired each other and wrote ...
    • Resimli Hikaye Dergisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme 

      Tükenmez, Hande (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017)
      Resimli Hikâye, gathered the names fingering on the pulse of our literature in its editorial staff in the first years of Republic, held the title of being the first story magazine of Turkish literature. Being a legacy of ...
    • Runik Harfli Metinlerde Eşdizimlilik 

      Sel, Pınar (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      According to the frequency-based approach collocation is, more frequent co-occurrence of certain words compared to others. From the perspective of the phraseological approach, however, it represents an intermediate point ...
    • Runik Metinlerde Belirteç İşlevli Bağımlı Cümleler 

      Doğan, Aybüke Betül (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-12)
      In this thesis, adverbial functional dependent clauses detected in Old Turkic runic text is examined in terms of linguistic and grammatical method. Firstly, the ways in which the dependent sentence structures with adverbial ...