Pakize Başaran'ın Romanları ve Romancılığı
This study included eleven novels written by Pakize Başaran between the years 1951-1977. The findings of the study were presented under two main titles. In the first part, the author was discussed in terms of her “Life”, “Profession” and “Works of Art”. In the second part, the author’s novels were discussed in terms of “Their Formal Features”, “Structural Properties”, “Themes”, “Naming”, and “Use of Language” and “Narration Techniques” in detail. Under the title of the structure of the novels, the plot, characters, literary perspectives, narrators, time, place and narration techniques were discussed. In this part, the novel Şaka Bitti was discussed under a separate title by the reason of that it had biographical and historical elements. For this reason, it was appropriate to include the author’s life along with her family life in the first part. The presentation of the novels was done on a chronological basis. The eleven novels of the author were: Benim Doktorum, Sahte Gelin, Köye Dönen Yosma, Meçhule Giden Yol, Şaka Bitti, Seni Yalnız Seni, Aşk Acıları, Devenin Öcü, Büyükler Küçükler ve Köpekler, Döner Koltuk, Tekinsizler. In the conclusion part of the study, as a female writer, Pakize Başaran's life, family, profession, works of art, novels, novel writing and the popular novel features in her novels were presented qualitatively.
Key Words
Pakize Başaran, Turkish Novel, Novel Writing,Popular Novel, Popular Love Novels.
ERCAN, Yasemin. Pakize Başaran’ın Romanları ve Romancılığı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2019.Aşağıdaki lisans dosyası bu öğe ile ilişkilidir: