• İç Mimarlık Alanında Görsel İletişim Temelli Grafik Tasarım Çözümlemeleri 

      Andarood, Hossein Ghasemı (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2014)
      Thorough out the history, communication has been known as indispensable fact of life. Those have been realized by the various techniques and tools, are expressed and can be transferred. Nowadays confront with communication ...
    • İç Mimarlık Alanında Mobilya Endüstrisi Kaynaklı Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri 

      Yaman, Sibel (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019)
      Interior architecture as a discipline aims to design how the space is perceived, taking aesthetic and spiritual concerns into consideration as well as functionality. One of the most efficient means interior architecture ...
    • İç Mimarlık Bölümlerindeki Temel Tasarım Eğitiminin Teorik ve Pratik Yönden İçerik Analizi 

      Yıldırım, İpek (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018)
      This study mentions that basic design education which is being carried out in different institutions, different periods and contents within the scope of preparation/initial education in arts and design related disciplines ...
    • İç Mimarlık Eğitiminde Artırılmış Gerçeklik Kavramının Kuşaklar Kuramı Üzerinden İncelenmesi 

      Aykaç, Gökçe Nur (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019)
      The main objective of the study is adapting a new-generation concept, augmented reality, to the interior design education in the context of investigating the place of digital design technologies among it. The research done ...
    • "İç Mimarlık Eğitiminde Sunum Teknikleri Dersine Analitik Bir Yaklaşım: Boyutsal Denemeler" 

      Esen, Ece (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-03)
      This research aims to evaluate the presentation techniques courses included in the curricula of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design/Interior Architecture departments at various universities in Turkey, which fall ...
    • İç Mimarlık Mesleği Özelinde Tasarım ve Tasarımcı Kavramlarının Algılanışı ve Tasarımcı Kimdir? Sorusuna Yanıt Almak Üzere Bir Okuma - Türkiye Örneği 

      Ökten, Gürünay (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2012)
      The conditions, 'the designer whom trying to make effective and successful designs and aiming to alter user`s perception through emotions and imagination and shaping standards of people, principles of interior design, and ...
    • İç Mimarlık Temel Tasarım Eğitimine Performans Sanatlarının Entegrasyonunda Yöntemler 

      Camcı, Kadriye Şehnaz (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      Methods in the Integration of Performance Arts to the Basic Design Education in Interior Design, Master Thesis, Ankara, 2017. Methodology has an important role in education. Research shows that interdisciplinary methods ...
    • İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Eğitiminde Desen Dersinin Yeri 

      Şahin, Mustafa (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-02)
      Interior architecture and environmental design education is a significant discipline aiming to equip students with skills in the aesthetic and functional design of interior spaces. This education provides students with ...
    • İç-Dış Doğa Etkileşimi 

      Kaçmaz Ateş, Özlem (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018)
      ABSTRACT KAÇMAZ ATEŞ, Özlem. Interaction of Inner-External Nature, Proficiency in Art Thesis, Ankara, 2018 The subject of this assertation is to investigate how the inner world, which we describe as “inner-nature”, ...
    • İfade Aracı Olarak Portre 

      Laletaş, Meral (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-06-18)
      ABSTRACT In this thesis, the analysis of some of the world-famous works and their knowledge in the history of art has been discussed. These forms of expression are examined in the integrity of the ideas, ethical and ...
    • İfade Biçimi Olarak Dijital Hata İmgeleri 

      Bahçeci, Umut Serkan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Deformation, which emerged with concerns to increase the power of aesthetics and expression in art, has continued its existence in the work areas that have increased with the development of technology today. One of the ...
    • İfade Nesnesi 

      Atabek, Murat (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-03-01)
      The meaning and content of expression in arts start changing in the twentieth century. Prior to this change, expression bore an intense relation with representation in arts. Describing a subject by creating an image or a ...
    • İfade Olarak Figür 

      Rezaeiyeh, Yasin Abdollahzadeh Azar (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2015)
      Man always expresses the phenomena through the art, meaning that by its own sense of expressionhe reshape it as an art. During the history, variety style of arts are expressed in different ways.Due to art works have been ...
    • İklim Krizi İçerikli Afişlerin Göstergebilimsel Yaklaşımlarla İncelenmesi ve Uygulamalar 

      Aksoy, Burcu (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-09-13)
      The climate crisis is a global problem that concerns all humanity and is becoming more dangerous day by day. Therefore, it is important that governments and large organizations encourage the use of green energy systems for ...
    • İlaç Ambalajı Tasarımlarında Karşılaşılan Özgünlük Sorunları Ve Uygulama Çalışmaları 

      Varol, Turgut Efe (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-09-26)
      VAROL, Turgut Efe. Issues of Originality Encountered in Pharmaceutical Packaging Designs and Application Studies, Proficiency in Art Thesis, Ankara, 2018. Pharmaceutical Packaging is a visual communication environment ...
    • İletinin Görsel Tasarımlara Dönüştürülmesinde Göstergebilimsel Düşünme Süreçleri Ve Cso İçin Afiş Uygulamaları 

      Kaptan, Serpil (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      Semiotics is a scientific area which provides distinct points of views in the fields which it is applied, primarily literature, and its methods are helpful for the identification of problems related to the graphic/visual ...
    • İlişkisellik Bağlamında Yeni Arayışlar 

      Ünal, Burçin (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2013)
      This study, basically, focuses on the events, reasons and problems behind why contemporary art practices and projects that involve viewer into the process became a widespread creation model in 1990 and after.In the first ...
    • İlk Günah Miti 

      Yönsel, Mahpeyker (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-12-06)
      Sin, one of the important concepts that determines our behavior, comes at the beginning of the topics inspired by the artists in every period. At the same time, "the myth of original sin" which is a common theme in all ...
    • İmgeleşen Öğe Kehtiyarın Sanatsal Yorumu 

      Dinçadam, Anıl (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-03-19)
      This master's thesis focuses on the reflection of the Kehtiyar character's complex relationships within normative systems in art. The thesis examines the historical evolution of perceptions and realities surrounding ...
    • İmgenin Bakışı 

      Altaş, Şemsi (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-05-30)
      Image, is the state of something that is situated in the mind to gain visibility in the outside world. This means the medium of the object in the mind changes and we encounter it as an image. Through this, what is invisible ...