İlk Günah Miti
Sin, one of the important concepts that determines our behavior, comes at the beginning
of the topics inspired by the artists in every period. At the same time, "the myth of
original sin" which is a common theme in all religions of one God, is very important to
show the deep relationship between men and women. Adam and Eve's "original sin,"
given as the first human beings in the four sacred books, allows for gender, morality and
tradition to be re-glanced in men and women relationship.
The concept of sin, which expresses the irregularities of individual and social souls, has
also attracted attention in art as part of life and existence. Numerous artists have been
interested in religious issues from the time of medieval art until nowadays. However,
the sin myth among religious subjects that have an important place in the history of art
as being inspiring for artists is not a subject of much work in Turkish art in the modern
and post-modern period, and has not drawn sufficient interest it deserves.
In the second half of the 20th century, modernism received intense criticism and
towards the end of the 1960s, artists began to re-associate their works with history,
mythology and religion. This great change has begun to be referred as the post modern
period. Just as it is in today's politics, economy, in short, all kinds of social structuring,
solid rules in arts has been demolished and interdisciplinary relations have begun to reestablish
in the name of polyphony. It seen that contemporary artists prefer to use
‘‘religion’’, which has common influence in correcting distorted problems in society,
rather than spreading the religion to the masses.
Although the starting point of creation mythology depends on the same basis, it shows
differences in every society and every individual due to distinction in artists’ emotions,
perceptions and inteligents of creation. ‘'The myth of original sin’' has been examined in
terms of content and form in consideration of today's social and individual values.