In this study, instructional design processes in three-dimensional multi-user virtual environments based on problem based learning approach was examined and authentic design experiences were shared. Besides, a design model was proposed to guide people who want to design these three-dimensional multi-user virtual environments and to use these environments for educational purposes. The study group consists of students studying in the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology Education in their junior year at a state university during 2016-2017 academic year. These students took “Instructional Design” course one year ago before taking this course. 34 students participated in the study on a voluntary basis. The study using formative research method of qualitative research methods was conducted in a 16-week practice as part of a course. During the implementation, the design process by 6 different groups was examined deeply. “Survey of Demographic Characteristics of Participants“, “Creating of the Scenario and Problem Report”, “Personal Project Report”, “Participants’ log”, “Reflection Report”, “Semi-Structured Interview”, “Environmental Design Assessment Criteria”, “Problem Assessment Scale”, “Expert Notes”, “Personal Web Pages” and “email and instant messaging tools” were used in the data collection process. The data were collected from 193 data sources, resulting in 7 themes which are namely: determining the problem situation, determination of scenario, models of instructional systems development, transferring scenarios to the environment, team work, media design process, and use in educational environments. According to the themes that emerged from the experience of the participants, three-dimensional multi-user virtual environments design model based on problem based learning approach was proposed.
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