El Hijyeni Eğitimi Uygulamalarında Sanal Gerçeklik Yönteminin Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi
Hand hygiene is essential to prevent foodborne infections in food service systems. This study utilised an innovative approach using virtual reality technology as a method of training to improve handwashing compliance and compared with two other methods for foodservice systems personnel. A virtual reality (VR) application was created which delivered handwashing training within a VR environment using VR headset and VR gloves. Participants aged between 19 and 61 years, 34.1% women and 65.9% men (n=129) were enrolled into one of three groups. The first of these three groups was training using VR application; the second was training using Glo Germ training (GT) product (demonstration) where the residues are examined under ultraviolet light and the third was classical training (CT) method using face-to-face presentation with PowerPoint. The training content utilised the 11 steps handwashing approach recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and this was used to assess compliance of handwashing, under observation from the researcher, in relation to the 11 steps. A questionnaire administered to evaluate participants' hand hygiene knowledge using a 22-item true/false questionnaire, and to assess attitudes with a 23-question Likert scale. Swab samples were collected to assess total bacterial count from the dominant hand before and after performing handwashing to examine the effectiveness of handwashing. Mean handwashing times before the training were 32.42±13.43 seconds (sec.) in the VR group, 39.63±13.19 sec. in the GT group, and 35.28±17.45 sec. in the CT group. After the training, an increase in time spent on handwashing was noticeable across all three groups (p<0.05) with the highest in the VR group (50.16±26.04 sec.) The mean number of the WHO 11 steps for handwashing undertaken before the training were similar in the groups (p>0.05) (6.12±1.31 steps in the VR, 6.56±1.56 steps in the GT, and 6.07±1.45 steps in the CT group.) The mean number of handwashing steps increased across all groups and the highest increase was with 8.91±1.49 steps in the VR group, a statistically significant difference was observed among the three groups in terms of the percentage change in the number of correctly performed steps, and the VR group showing the highest number of steps (p<0.01). Despite a notable increase in knowledge and attitude scores among all groups, there were no statistically significant intergroup differences. Positive attitudes toward hand hygiene improved across all groups (p>0.05). There was a significant decrease in microbiological analysis results pre- and post-training (p=0.000), but no significant intergroup difference (p>0.05); the GT group showed the highest log10 reduction in cfu, followed by VR and CT groups. These results suggest that VR-based training could be a valuable tool for enhancing hand hygiene practices in foodservice system settings. The use of virtual reality technology in hand hygiene education could be a promising and cost-effective approach in foodservice systems to improve hand hygiene.