Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğu Olan Çocukların Oyun Becerileri: Tek Denekli Araştırmalarda Meta Analiz
The purpose of this study is to examine the play intervention studies implemented with single-subject research designs with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on their qualitative criteria and effect sizes. 5 databases and 17 keywords were determined for the search procedures of the study. Based on the literature search using selected databases, a total of 1890 studies were identified. After completing the examination of these studies according to the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 66 studies met the study qualitative criteria to be included in the study. From the 66 studies examined based on the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) single-subject research qualitative criteria, 46 of them did not meet the qualitative criteria, 16 studies met the qualitative criteria with reservations, and 4 studies met the qualitative criteria. Effect sizes were calculated using the percentage of data points exceeding the median trend (PEM) and a total of 20 studies met the qualitative criteria with or without reservations. As a result of the PEM analysis, 65% of the studies were found to have a strong effect. The results of the study showed that although most of the studies meet the qualitative criteria with reservations, they showed strong effect sizes. The results of the study were discussed and suggestions for future studies were provided