• Osmanlı-Yunan Harbi (1897) Literatürünün Harp Tarihçiliği Açısından Analizi 

      Atılgan, Cem (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      In our thesis, we exerted to find out the fundamentals of war historiography based on war histories relating to Greco-Ottoman War (1897) written in the era of Abdülhamit II.. Before ascertaining the bases, forms, content, ...
    • Osmanlı-Yunan Harbi (1897) Literatürünün Harp Tarihçiliği Açısından Analizi 

      Atılgan, Cem (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      In our thesis, we exerted to find out the fundamentals of war historiography based on war histories relating to Greco-Ottoman War (1897) written in the era of Abdülhamit II.. Before ascertaining the bases, forms, content, ...
    • Paleologoslar Döneminde Bizans Ordusundaki Paralı Türk Askerler (13-15. Yüzyıllar) 

      Narinoğlu, Berkem (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      The Byzantine Empire is a very important state that has remained on the stage of history for centuries, spread over a wide geography and served as a bridge between east and west. One of the most important reasons for the ...
    • Pehlevi Dönemi Kadın Modernleşmesi (1921-1979) 

      Çevik, Elif (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2015)
      Modernization policies have gained importance in Pahlavi period. In the 20th centuryreforms in İran which were inspired by Western modernization policies and social,political and legal reforms gained importance. These ...
    • Pehlevi İran'ında Kadın 

      Gürer, Sezin Cansu (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      This thesis discusses women’s political, economic and social organization during Pahlavi Dynasty which ruled Iran during 1925-1979 and specific to 1941-1965. In the first chapter of the study, how Iran’s political and ...
    • Polis Mecmuası (1913-1928) 'nda Polis ve Cinayet 

      Yeşilyurt, Ahmet (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2013)
      Polis Mecmuası that began to emerge in 1913, all what we know about crime and criminals have a new look at the eyes of the organization. Thesis focuses on solving abilities of murder cases and methods of Mecmua. As the ...
    • Postkolonyal Çalışmalar Işığında Afro-Amerikan Edebiyatından Örnekler (1890-1950) 

      Şahin, İlknur (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      Post-colonial studies have been come into prominence after World War II. Postcolonial studies inherently stem from literature and cultural studies. Post-colonial studies have many important aims. One of them is to present ...
    • Prof.Dr. Özkan İZGİ'ye Armağan 

      Yediyıldız, Bahaeddin (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2011)
      Sevgili Özkan Hocamızı, bir yıllık İngilizce Hazırlık sınıfından sonra 1977-78 Öğretim yılı başında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümüne başladığımızda bizi ilk karşılayan danışmanımız olarak tanıdım. Sevecen, gözlerinin ...
    • Râşî Olmak ya da Kul Olmanın Gereğini Yerine Getirmek: XVI. Yüzyıl (1574-1595) Osmanlı Dünyasında Pîşkeş Arzı 

      Yılmaz Altan, Fatma (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Gift presentation was one of the practices which the Ottoman ruling elite was expected to fulfill. Presentation of gift was an important act for the person who receive it as well as presenter. Because if the person was ...
    • Romanya'daki Türk-Tatar Toplumu ve Türkiye'ye Göçleri (1918-1941) 

      Omer, Metin (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      In this thesis is analyzed the emigration of the Turkish-Tatar community from Romania to Turkey between the years 1918-1941. The emigration of this community which was present in the Dobrudja since the XIIIth century had ...
    • Rudolf Nissen ve Türk Tıbbına Katkıları 

      Karabaş, Tansu (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
      When the investigated the origin of medical relationship between Turkey and Germany, it is seen that the relations between the two countries have existed since ancient times and these relations, whose intensity changes ...
    • Safevîler Döneminde İran’da Din-Devlet İlişkilerinin Evrimi 

      Yıldız, Onur (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      This thesis examines the transition of the Safavid dynasty from a Sunni Sufi order to the Shi'ite-Imamiyyah sect. In order to comprehend the historical dimension of the subject, the events between 1301 and 1722 have been ...
    • Safevîler Döneminde Kadın 

      Yıldız, Onur (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      In this thesis study, the social, economic, political and cultural activities of the woman in the Safavid State, which dominated the territories of Iran in the 16th and 17th centuries, were examined. Before the 16th century, ...
    • Savaş, Din ve Şehitlik: Bizans'ın Müslüman Düşmanları (VII.-X. Yüzyıllar) 

      Nalbant, Mert (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-10-11)
      This thesis examines the role of religious discourse in the Byzantine Empire's political struggle against Muslims from the 7th to the 10th century. The Byzantine Empire had a close relationship with religion, particularly ...
    • Selanik ve İttihad Gazeteleri Örneğinde Osmanlı Modernleşmesi ve Yahudiler 

      Atuk, Fatma Gökçen (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Especially during XVIIIth and XIXth centuries, the Ottoman Jews which have become one of the largest non-muslim societies of the Empire have experienced a modernization process within the scope of the conditions under which ...
    • Seyahatnamelere Göre Moğollar ve Katolik Dünyası (Dini İdealler ve Politik Kaygılar) 

      Tural, Murat (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2015)
      The purpose of this research is to determine what sort of effects the Mongols, who appeared as an important military power in 13th century, had in world politics, and to question what the Catholic World attempted to in ...
    • Siyon Aşıkları Hareketi (1884-1897) 

      Çakmaktaş, Halil (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
      The Lovers of Zion Movement was born in Eastern Europe due to the assassination of the Russian Tsar Alexander II in 1881 and the Jewish pogroms that followed. This situation mobilized Jewish leaders such as Leon Pinsker ...
    • Son Dönem Osmanlı Aydınlarının Sömürgecilik ve Emperyalizm Algısı 

      Bürüngüz, Mehmet Refik (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2013)
      Since the time of the Crusaders and invading the Americas, European political thinkers hadbeen in a heavy effort for finding a way of conciliation among the ideas on justice and naturallaw in one hand, and European dominations ...
    • Sosyal Ağ Analizi ve Hürrem Sultan Kaynakçası Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme 

      Çiloğlu, Nur Mine (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      This study investigates the use of the suggested "Social Network Analysis (SNA)" method in studies about the period of Suleiman the Magnificent. "Hurrem Sultan" was chosen as the SNA subject to be addressed through ...
    • Sosyal ve Kültürel Değişimler Açısından Doğurduğu Sonuçlar İtibariyle Lozan Mübadelesi: Nevşehir Örneği 

      Kavaf, Selma Aliye (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2015)
      This thesis is about evaluating the social and cultural changes of the region ofNevşehir through analyzing the economy of production, geographicaldifferences, customs and traditions of the region where the people left and ...