Pehlevi Dönemi Kadın Modernleşmesi (1921-1979)
Modernization policies have gained importance in Pahlavi period. In the 20th centuryreforms in İran which were inspired by Western modernization policies and social,political and legal reforms gained importance. These reforms also addressed the socialstanding of women. For, wearing headscarves and the purdah were restricted due tomodernization efforts. Likewise, the education of women received its shape frommodernization policies. The Pahlavi period transpires as an important era.Since the Pahlavi period is prior to an İran İslamic Revolution in 1979 and this revolutiongained huge support from women at that time, it is important to discuss thePahlavi period which tried to organize women s lives with modernization reforms. Togive an example, with White Revolution, the order of women living in rural areas wasdestroyed and migration to urban centers had started. The most important supporters ofthe İran Revolution were those immigrants whose lives were affected.