Öğretmenlerin Aktivist ve Teknisyen Mesleki Kimliklerinin Psikolojik İyi Oluşları İle İlişkisi
The purpose of this study is to explore which professional identity teachers adopt and the relationship between the teacher professional identity adopted and pshycological well being in terms of ‘activist’ and ‘technician’ (entrepreneur) teacher identity definitions of Sachs (2000; 2001; 2003).
This study is designed with single and correlational survey models. Target population of this research consists of 693 teachers who work at state schools in the province of Zonguldak in 2015/2016 academic year. Simple random sampling has been used for statistical data collection. Activist Teacher Professional Identity Scale and Technician Teacher Identity Scale which were developed by the researcher and Psychological Well Being Scale developed by Diener (2010) , adapted to Turkish by Telef (2013) were used in order to collect data.
The results of this study indicate teachers have a high level of activist teacher identity perception while they have a low level of technician teacher identity perception. teachers who have an experience of 1-5 years have higher level of collaboration perception than teachers having experience of 15-20 years. It has also been found out that teachers who have an experience 1-5 years have higher level of activist identity ‘responsibility’ perception than teacher who have an experience of 6-10 years.
There is a significant difference in the ‘competition’ dimension of entrepreneur identity according to gender variable. Male teachers have higher level of competition perception than female teachers. Teachers who have experience of 21 years and over have higher level of technician identity competition perception than the one who have an experience of 1-5 years.
The teachers who have bachelors degree have higher level of technician identity ‘competition’ and ‘standardization’ perception than the ones who have postgraduate education. The teachers who graduated from faculties other than education and science and letters faculty, have higher level of technician identity ‘autonomy’ perception than the ones graduated from science and letters faculty. Level of teachers’ perceptions who are a member of union on activist identity ‘responsibility’ dimension is higher than of those who are not member of unions.
In conclusion, the research suggests that there is a significant relation between teacher professional identity ,in terms of activist and technician identities, and teacher psychological well being. As the teachers adopt activist identity, their psychological well being tends to increase. However , the level of psychological well being decreases when the teachers adopt technician professional identity.
Keywords: professional identity, teacher’s professional identity, changing teacher roles, activist teacher identity, technician (entrepreneur) teacher identity, psychological well-being
Advisor: Assistant Professor Nihan DEMİRKASIMOĞLU, Hacettepe University, Department of Educational Sciences, Division of Educational Administration