Okul Terki Riskinde Öğrenci Özellikleri ve Akademik Dayanıklılık: Okul Tükenmişliği ve Yabancılaşmanın Aracı Rolleri
This study explored the effect of academic resilience on the risk of dropout through school burnout and alienation among high school students. We implemented a multiple serial mediation model. The study also investigated how dropout risk scores differ based on sex, grade point average, and grade level. This study involved 466 high school students continuing their education in a large city during the 2023-2024 academic year. Data were collected using the School Burnout Inventory, School Alienation Scale, Academic Resilience Scale, School Experience Scale, and a Personal Information Form. The study utilized an independent samples t-test to compare the mean scores of students at risk of dropping out based on sex. Additionally, a one-way ANOVA was conducted to compare dropout risks according to the grade level. A simple linear regression analysis was used to examine the dropout risk based on the grade-point average. The multiple serial mediation model was analyzed using the lavaan package in the R Studio editor. According to the study results, although the difference in mean dropout risk scores by sex, grade point average, and grade was statistically significant, the effect size coefficients indicated that this difference was marginal. The relationship between academic resilience and dropout risk is mediated by alienation from school. However, school burnout had a notable mediating effect, contributing to the multiple serial mediation model. The results indicated that a decrease in academic resilience resulted in an increase in school burnout, leading to feelings of alienation, and ultimately raising the risk of dropping out.