İlkokul Üçüncü Sınıf Fen Bilimleri Beş Duyumuz Ünitesine Yönelik Bilgilendirici Çocuk Kitaplarının Değerlendirilmesi
Informational children's books have importance in children's literature. The use of
informative children's books by students and teachers in teaching enriches the educational
process. Informative children's books are materials used by students at any time, besides
reinforcing teaching science, social studies, and mathematics. This study aimed to evaluate
the selection of informative children's books for the 3rd-grade science unit "Our Five
Senses". Document analysis was used as a qualitative method. The results were obtained
using descriptive analysis. The criterion sampling method was used while determining the
research materials and the books selected for the "Our Five Senses" unit was examined
with the evaluation form developed by the researcher. After reviewing domestic and foreign
books in bookstores, publishing houses, schools and classroom libraries, 35 related books
were accessed and analyzed. As a result, it was concluded that TÜBİTAK and Telescope
Publishing House made the most informative publications, foreign authors wrote more
books than domestic authors and informative books became more common after 2015.
Most of the authors are experienced and the books are scientific and updated. While the
steps of the scientific method in the book were given at a very high rate with respect to the
age level, it was seen that the cause-effect relationships in nature could not be established
sufficiently. While the rate of including introductory information about the subject is quite
low, the rate of including additional information is higher. It was seen that the books are
sufficient in terms of interior and exterior illustration features. It was determined that the
books do not include all the objectives of the "Our Five Senses" unit. In terms of the difficulty
level, the font size, picture-text ratio, and the number of words were examined. It was seen
that less than half of the books were completely suitable for 3rd-grade students.