Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde Çalışan Araştırma Görevlilerinin Psikolojik İyi Oluş Düzeylerinin Yordanması
The purpose of this study was to examine whether psychological well-being level of
research assistants working at Hacettepe University was significantly predicted by
their gender, type of employment (cadre), levels of mobbing, institutional cynicism
and institutional commitment. Participants of the study were 293 research assistants
(180 females- 61.4%; 113 males- 38.6%) working at various academic units of
Hacettepe University, Ankara.
The Psychological Well Being Scale was used to measure research assistants’
levels of psychological well-being; the Negative Behavior Scale was utilized to
assess their perceived levels of mobbing; the Organizational Cynicism Scale was
used to measure their levels of organizational cynicism and a Personal Information
Form developed by the researcher was used to collect data on some demographic
variables of the participating research assistants.
Regarding analyses of the data, t test for Independent Samples was utilized to test
whether the mean differences between research assistants’ levels of psychological
wellbeing and their gender and type of employment (cadre). In addition, multiple
linear regression analysis was used to test whether psychological wellbeing levels
of research assistants working at Hacettepe University was significantly predicted
by their gender, type of employment (cadre), levels of mobbing, institutional
cynicism and intuitional commitment.
Results of the study showed that levels of mobbing, organizational commitment and
organizational cynicism significantly predicted psychological well-being of research
staff. Findings, limitations and implications for future research, policy
makers/university administration and college mental health professionals were