• Menākıb-ı Mekke (inceleme-metin-dizin) 

      Karaman, Ebru (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      The manuscript called Manakıb-ı Mekke that describes Islamic menaqıbs in a poetic way belongs to the 18th century. This study, which examines the three-part manuscript, also provides extensive information on range locations. ...
    • Metinlerarası İlişkiler Bağlamında Kadîmî'nin Leylâ Vü Mecnûn Mesnevisi (İnceleme-Metin) 

      Ayaz, Ayşe (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2014)
      This study consists of three different sections including introduction, review and text. In the introduction, firstly, the information about Kadîmî s life and works is given. Then, it is mentioned about the writing tradition ...
    • Metinlerarası İlişkiler Bağlamında Nâzım Hikmet'in Memleketimden İnsan Manzaraları 

      Gariper, Kağan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020-10-05)
      In order to make Nâzım Hikmet’s powerful poetry universe understandable, in the introduction part of this study, which aims at understanding the resources of Memleketimden İnsan Manzaraları, which was written in his maturity ...
    • Mevlânâ Resmî’nin Levhnâme Adlı Mesnevisi (İnceleme- Metin-Sözlük-Dizin) 

      Öztürk, Aslıhan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017)
      There is an important place of nasihatname in our literature, which aims to convey readers in a moral and social way, and thus to raise a model of a human type. One of these types of works is Levhnâme belonging to Mevlânâ ...
    • Mikayıl Müşfik Eserlerinin Söz Varlığı 

      Musayev, Huseyn (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      Mikayil Müşfig, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century and is known as the romantic love poet of Azerbaijani literature, is one of the famous poets who used the unique beauties of the Azerbaijani language in the ...
    • Millî Edebiyat Dönemini Besleyen Türkçülüğün Kaynakları 

      Baran, Erdal (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      ABSTRACT BARAN, Erdal. Sources of Turkism That Nourished National Literature, doctoral thesis, Ankara, 2019. In this thesis titled “Resources of Turkism that nourished the National Literature Period” it has tried to ...
    • Millî Kimliğin Oluşturulması Bağlamında 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı 

      Mezkit Saban, Gülperi (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)
      In this study, the functions of April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day in forming the national identity of children are discussed. The study is limited to the Early Republican Period and the periodicals and ...
    • Molla Mahmud Zu`İ Divanı (İnceleme-Metin-Bağlamlı Dizin-İşlevsel Sözlük) 

      Aliyeva , Tunzala (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-06-25)
      ABSTRACT ALİYEVA, Tunzala. Molla Mahmud Zu`i`s Divan (Transcription Text-Analyzing-Concordance-Functional Dictionary), Doctoral Dissertation, Ankara, 2019. Our dissertation is composed of an Introduction and four ...
    • Muhammed’in Ferruḫ u Hümā (‘Işḳ-Nâme) Adlı Eseri Üzerine Anlambilimsel ve Tematik Bir İnceleme 

      Doğancı, Sena (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)
      The Beylik Period, one of the phases of the Old Anatolian Turkish written language, is a period in which many works in Turkish were written. Written in the 14th and 15th centuries by an author named Muhammad, Ferruḫ u Hümâ ...
    • Mukaddimetü'l-Edeb (Yozgat Nüshası)-(Giriş, Metin, Notlar, Sözlük-Dizin) 

      Cihan, Serkan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      Our doctoral thesis based on the Mukaddimetü'l-Edeb written by Zemahşerî, one of the most important language heirlooms written during the Harezm period, consists of Introduction, Text, Notes and Index-Dictionary sections. ...

      Cihan, Serkan (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
      Our doctoral thesis based on the Mukaddimetü'l-Edeb written by Zemahşerî, one of the most important language heirlooms written during the Harezm period, consists of Introduction, Text, Notes and Index-Dictionary sections. ...
    • Mustafa Behcet'in Telhîs Şerhi: Behcetü'l-Erîb (İnceleme- Çeviri Yazılı Metin) 

      Adalar Subaşı, Derya (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-06-21)
      The third chapter of Siraceddin es-Sekkâkî's Arabic work Miftâh al-‘Ulûm, which deals with the sciences of meaning and expression, formed the basis for many works to be written later. The work called Talkhis al-Miftâh ...
    • Nazlı Eray'ın Hikâye ve Romanlarında Ankara'nın Kentsel Bellek Mekânları 

      Alpasar, Ayşen (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024-07-03)
      The aim of this study is to examine the concept of urban memory, a sub-concept of social memory that focuses on the ways of transferring and reflecting the memory of urban space, in the works of Nazlı Eray (1945-). The ...
    • Nedim Divanı'nda Renkler 

      Çakıcı, Muhammet Emre (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Colors are not just physical phenomena. It is a symbol or sign that has important effects on people, society and culture and it is also directly or indirectly related to almost every part of life; from physiology to art, ...
    • Nev’izâde Atâyî’nin Sohbetü’l-Ebkâr Mesnevisinde Ahlâkî Esaslar 

      Mazıcıoğlu, Neslihan Ece (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-02-02)
      It is one of the oldest subjects of ethics, philosophy and literature, which includes rules related to all areas of life. Works containing moral elements have existed since the beginning of oral literature. Divan literature ...
    • Nihani Divanı (İnceleme-Metin) 

      Ekici, Ayşegül (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Nihânî appears as a mystic poet in 19th century Turkish literature. A descendant of Sheikh Hâmid-i Velî, he was one of the Halvetiye and Bayramiye sheikhs educated in his dargah. He was from Darende and grandson to a ...
    • Niyâzî Dîvânçesi (İnceleme-Metin) 

      Tunç, Tülay (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Dîvân is a collection of works of poetry written by the poets of classical Turkish poetry. They are usually arranged in a certain order, but they may be due to the lack of one or more of these species or because the volume ...
    • Oğuz-Kıpçak Dil Etkileşimi: Türkiye Nogaycası Örneği (Ses ve Biçim Bilgisi) 

      Taşçı, Nur Sena (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
      The Noghays who immigrated from their homeland to Turkey in 18th and 19th century live in Ankara, Eskişehir, Konya and Adana their counties today. The Noghays who came there with immigration encountered with a new cultural ...
    • Oktay Rıfat'ın Şiirlerinde Doğa Farkındalığı: Çevreci Eleştiri Işığında Bir Okuma 

      Aksoy, Özge (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2014)
      The damage that has been given to the nature by human is accelerating gradually.On the basis of this condition, which threatens the sustainable future of the world there are anthropocentric philosophical, political and ...
    • Orhan Koçak'ın Eleştirisinde Etkilenme Endişesi 

      Coşkun, Emre (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      In this study, critique of Orhan Koçak, who developed a poetry theory about the poet's attempt to create himself against his predecessor by using the Harold Bloom’s concept of the anxiety of influence, Bahisleri Yükseltmek- ...