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Kent ve Sınıfsal Yapı Üzerine Görsel Anlatılar
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)The city is a space that accommodates millions of people from various backgrounds and social classes, constantly undergoing change as a result. Since people began living in permanent settlements, the city has been a deep ... -
İç Mekan Kullanıcı Tüketim Alışkanlıklarına Bir Bakış
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)According to the norms of today's consumer society, individuals' consumption preferences are also affected. In the position that the fashion industry has reached as a result of the consumption preferences of individuals, ... -
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)One of the most crucial aspects of humanitarian aid is the provision of temporary sheltering in response to the necessity of forced migration. This study arose from the question to what extent the discipline of interior ... -
Türkiye'deki Yükseköğrenim Öğrenci Yurtlarında Kullanıcı Deneyiminin Kullanılabilirlik Bağlamında Analizi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)Dormitories are significant living spaces for the academic development and social lives of university students. The continuous increase in the number of university students in Türkiye perpetuates the need to improve the ... -
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-03-17)When art is evaluated as a field that works with senses and emotions, how all sense organs, innovation and newness can be worked on can be taken and examined separately for each art field. In the study, the perceptual ... -
Beden ve Cinsel Kimlik Üzerinden Sanatçının Kaygısı
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-03-14)The primary aim of the research is to examine the concepts of body, identity, and gender identity based on the artist's anxiety and to explore how these concepts are addressed in art and artworks. The study analyzes ... -
Canlılarda Cinsiyet Kavramı Ve Seramik Sanatına Yansımaları
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)In this thesis on the concept of gender in living things and its reflections on ceramic art, the gender of all living creatures that have survived in nature, starting from microscopic creatures, and the nature/human ... -
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)Mythology has been intertwined with belief systems since the early periods of humanity, finding its place in literary works such as legends and epics. Over time, visual elements such as icons, illustrations, and graphic ... -
İmge Teorisi Üzerinden Gerçeklik Eleştirisi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-02-26)The process of perception is one of the basic elements that constitute the theory of image. In this study, the role of perception manipulations with fictional data and creative activity in artistic imagery is examined. The ... -
Soyut Sanat Bağlamında Kinetik Tipografi ve Bir Uygulama Önerisi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-02-28)Typography continues to change and develop day by day with computer technologies. Typography produces various and original results in different design disciplines. In this thesis, kinetic typography is analysed in the ... -
Aşkın İmge Perdesi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)In this study, what is meant by Love's Image Curtain is that the perception of a person is veiled against the consciousness of love, which is the state of being complete and whole within themselves. Empodecles defined love ... -
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-02-13)Motion graphics have transformed branding and advertising processes in graphic design, reshaping audience engagement and brand communication. This study examines the integration of motion graphics into contemporary graphic ... -
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-02)This thesis study determines the relationship between art and mathematics; It is seen that art and geometric abstraction deal with the transformation of geometric forms into art. The application of geometric forms in ... -
Yeni Avrupa Bauhaus Hareketi Kapsamında İç Mimarlık Eğitimi ve Deneyim Odaklı Malzeme Öğrenimi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-02-07)In line with the innovative and sustainability goals of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) movement, the study aims to examine the impact of experience-oriented practices in the process of theoretical and practical knowledge ... -
Doğadan Etkilenimin Sanat Yapıtlarına Dönüşümüne Mantar Formları Üzerinden Alternatif Bir Bakış
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-01)The relationship between humans and nature has never been as important as it is today. Factors such as rapid urbanization and the influence of technology on every aspect of life following the Industrial Revolution, along ... -
Eşik Kavramının Seramik Form Ekseninde Yorumları
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)In this study prepared as a Work of Art Report; The existence of the concept of threshold in the fields of literature, architecture, psychology and plastic arts has been examined. In line with the findings, the threshold ... -
Işık Geçiren Özellikli Seramik Bünyelerde Portre Uygulamaları
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-01)In the art study report titled “Portrait applications in translucent ceramic bodies”, research has been conducted on the effects and process of portraits in ceramic works in the context of art. The historical roots of ... -
Fotoğraf Sanatı Çerçevesinde Dijital Dönüşüm ve Seramik Eserler İle Etkileşimi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-02-10)This study examines the effects of digital photography on ceramic art and the innovative contributions of mobile photography to art production. The creative techniques and aesthetic understandings created by the digitalization ... -
Tasarım Eğitiminde Alternatif Bir Öğrenme Yaklaşımı: Transmedya Hikaye Anlatımı
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025)Design is a concept that encompasses the entire process, actions and final product from a thought to its materialization. In this process evolving from a thought to a tangible product, designer tools contribute to the ... -
Feminist Yeni Materyalizm Bağlamında Sanatta Beden ve Nesne Dolanıklığı
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2025-02-07)This theoretical and practice-based art research report, titled "The Entanglement of Body and Object in Art in the Framework of Feminist New Materialism,” focuses primarily on artworks that foreground the interaction ...