In this thesis study; it aims at broaching cutting tool design and manufacturing, which simulate of gear cutting with ANSYS and LS-DYNA software (with Finite Element Analysis) used broaching method.
Broaching, is the serial production technology, which is used for shaping the pieces by removing shavings from their internal and external surface, this technology has maximum impact on cost reduction, provides high production rate and also can keep the surface quality at same level.
In broaching process; broach tools, which are designed according to the properties of the pieces, is pulled or pushed from inside of the pieces by using vertical or horizontal broaching machines.
Benefits of the broaching;
The production by using broaching technology has a lot of benefits compared to the other techniques. Some of them;
• Processing time is very short,
• Provide high surface quality,
• There is no need a second operation,
• Provides measurement accuracy,
• Allows for complex profiles,
• Requires easy and cheap labor,
• The investment cost is very low compared with the other technology,
• Does not require qualified personnel.
Usage area of the broaching technology;
• A large number of the parts and gears production in automotive industry,
• Manufacturing many parts in aircraft and aerospace technology,
• The production of the weapon component in the weapon industry,
• The production of the electric motors and turbine parts,
• From the production of rack gears to the production of the lock, widely using in manufacturing.
The main aim of this is R&D for the manufacturing of the broaching tools that are used for the internal gears manufacturing are used for the production of construction machinery such as tractor, loader, excavator and the cars with automatic transmission, and in this way meeting the increasing demands of internal and external market.
In our country, these broaching tools have not been produced yet, in the world, just a few company produce and they become monopoly.
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