Canlılarda Cinsiyet Kavramı Ve Seramik Sanatına Yansımaları
In this thesis on the concept of gender in living things and its reflections on ceramic art, the gender of all living creatures that have survived in nature, starting from microscopic creatures, and the nature/human relationship have been researched and evaluated with studies in interdisciplinary art fields. In the first chapter of this thesis, the concept of gender; The concepts of social roles, reproduction, femininity and masculinity have been tried to be explained with their general meanings. The place of gender in art history and its relationship with nature were integrated, and the gender stages of the embryo and egg were examined. In the second part, artists who deal with subjects such as nature/human, birth/death are included. At the same time, works of art produced in the laboratory environment were evaluated with unconventional, domesticated or grown Bio-art works. In the third part, personal practices are included in order to trivialize the gender origins of all living things.