Doğadan Etkilenimin Sanat Yapıtlarına Dönüşümüne Mantar Formları Üzerinden Alternatif Bir Bakış
The relationship between humans and nature has never been as important as it is today. Factors
such as rapid urbanization and the influence of technology on every aspect of life following the
Industrial Revolution, along with the spread of consumer culture driven by capitalism, have
profoundly transformed human existence. This change, which began with industrialization, has
confined people to concrete structures, trapping them in shopping malls and closed offices,
distancing them from natural life. This is not merely a physical separation but also a weakening, or
even a complete severance, of the deep bond humans have with nature, of which they are a part.
Among the various initiatives and efforts to reconnect humans with nature, art emerges as a
significant tool with its unique language. This study examines the profound relationship between
humans and nature through the lens of mushroom formsin the context of visual arts. The research
aims to contribute to modern humans' efforts to reconnect with nature through art.
The study conducts a comprehensive review of written and visual literature to explore the impact
of mushrooms on artistic expression and their place and meaning in different cultures through an
ethnomycological approach. The cultural and artistic influences of mushrooms are investigated
across a broad spectrum, from their roles in human life, their importance in culinary culture, and
their hallucinogenic properties to their everyday uses.
Throughout this research process, it has been observed that nature, natural forms, and
mushrooms, as the subject of study, have inspired artists throughout art history. The relationship
between art and nature has been examined through mushroom forms. The strong bond between
humans and nature has been a vital source of inspiration for artists' creativity throughout human
history. From the Paleolithic period to contemporary art practices, nature and its structures have
been at the center of artistic expression.
In different periods and movements of art history, the relationship between nature and art has
manifested in various forms. Artists have always drawn inspiration from nature and incorporated
it into their works. Even the most abstract art forms are fundamentally inspired by nature, and no
matter how far art strays from depiction, its deep connection with nature remains intact, growing
stronger over time.
This research demonstrates that nature is a unique source of inspiration for artists and that the
relationship between art and nature has evolved throughout history, manifesting in different
forms. Natural forms and structures, particularly mushrooms, enrich artistic expression and
nurture artists' creativity. It is anticipated that artists inspired by nature and the multifaceted nature
of mushrooms will increasingly turn to these natural structures in the future, further diversifying
artistic expression.
In the practical section shaped by theoretical research, the lamellar structures of various
mushroom species have been used as inspiration, particularly the characteristic black-and-white
color transitions of Coprinopsis lagopus(Ink Cap), a member of the Psathyrellaceae family. The
ceramic works produced highlight the rhythm and movement created by the repetition of
mushroom gills, along with mathematical patterns, interpreting these hidden structural forms with
an aesthetic approach.
Additionally, spore prints were taken to transform the natural reproductive cycle of mushrooms
into an artwork, presented as a separate series. This approach reveals the hidden aesthetics of the
natural cycle and the reproductive process of mushrooms without human intervention.
The artworks resulting from the research and application process reflect the importance and
attention artists give to natural details, showcasing their ability to observe nature, discover
unnoticed intricacies, and make them visible. These works are a continuation of the tradition that
sees nature as a source of inspiration, expressing a deep interest, respect, and love for nature and
the natural world. They offer viewers the opportunity to explore the beauty of nature, question
their relationship with it, and reflect on nature.
This research demonstrates that art is not only a field influenced by nature but also a force that,
through its actions, influences nature and transforms humans' relationship with it. The study
emphasizes the cultural significance of mushrooms from an ethnomycological perspective while
aesthetically revealing their hidden details, inviting modern humans to discover the overlooked
beauty of nature. Inspired by Hubert Reeves' statement, "We are at war with nature; if we win, we
lose," this study aims to extend a hand of peace to nature through contemporary ceramic art