Okul Öncesi Dönem Kekemeliği Olan ve Olmayan Çocukların Psikolojik Sağlamlıklarının ve Ebeveyn Tutumlarının İncelenmesi
. It is thought that the negative effects of stuttering may be a risk factor
on the resilience of children with stuttering. When the studies were examined, it was
observed that parental attitude in preschool period was closely related to resilience.
Therefore, considering the prevalence of stuttering in preschool period and assuming
that it is a risk factor for resilience of these children, this study aimed to compare the
parental attitudes and resilience of preschool children with stuttering with their
typically developing peers. The study included 35 typically developing children with
stuttering between the ages of 48-72 months, their parents and teachers, and 35
typically developing children without stuttering who were age- and gender-matched
with these children, and their parents and teachers. Parental attitudes were assessed
with the Parental Attitude Scale (PAS) and resilience levels were assessed with the
Social Emotional Well-Being and Resilience Scale for Preschool Children (PERIK).
Stuttering severity of children with stuttering was calculated with the Weighted -
Stuttering Like Disfluency Measure (Weighted- SLD) based on spontaneous speech
samples. According to the findings, there was no statistically significant difference
between the two groups in terms of parental attitudes according to the results of the
PERIK. Children with stuttering scored significantly lower than their typically
developing peers in the general resilience level with the dimensions of
“communicating/social performance” and “emotional stability/coping with stress”
from the PERIK sub-dimensions. No significant difference was found in other sub dimensions. However, the correlations between any PERIK sub-dimension and
children's stuttering severity calculated by Weighted SLD were not significant. In
conclusion, it was observed that stuttering has negative effects on resilience in
preschool period. It is recommended that children's resilience should be taken into
consideration in stuttering assessment and intervention.