Beslenme ve Diyetetik Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin 21. Yüzyıl Becerileri ile Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme, Kanıta Dayalı Uygulamalar ve Meslekler Arası Ekip İş Birliği Tutumlarının Değerlendirilmesi
Arslan, G., Evaluation of Nutrition and Dietetics Senior Students' Attitudes to Lifelong Learning with 21st Century Skills, Evidence-Based Practices and Interprofessional Team Collaboration, Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Master of Science Thesis in Nutritional Sciences Program,
Ankara, 2025. This study aimed to contribute to the development and strengthening of Nutrition and Dietetics education by evaluating the 21st century skills, lifelong learning, evidence-based practices and interprofessional team collaboration attitudes of 4th grade students receiving Nutrition and Dietetics education and their relationship with each other. A 5-part online survey was conducted with senior students from 10 universities, 5 state and 5 foundation universities in Ankara, which have existing Nutrition and Dietetics departments, regarding the demographic characteristics of the participants and their individual characteristics such as taking elective courses, following the literature, continuing education after graduation, and desire to work in an academic field or abroad, and 4 scales. A total of 241 students, 132 from state universities and 109 from foundation universities, under the age of 25, were included in the study. It was determined that 95.4% of the individuals were female, 54.8% were in a state university, and 54.4% were in an accredited program. No significant difference was found in terms of the scores of the Multidimensional 21st century skills and interprofessional team collaboration assessment scale and the evidence-based practices attitude scale-15 according to the type of university (state/foundation) and the accreditation status of the program (p1>0.05 and p2>0.05). The total scores of the Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning Scale were found to be higher in foundation universities and non-accredited programs (p1<0.05 and p2<0.05). As a result, individuals receiving education in state universities and accredited Nutrition and Dietetics programs should benefit from lifelong learning centers that are units within the universities, which will support improvement and progress in this context.