Tasarım Eğitiminde Alternatif Bir Öğrenme Yaklaşımı: Transmedya Hikaye Anlatımı
Design is a concept that encompasses the entire process, actions and final product from a thought to its materialization. In this process evolving from a thought to a tangible product, designer tools contribute to the evaluation and development of design knowledge by ensuring that thoughts are expressed. Therefore, knowledge in design education is structured in the process of design tools processing information between design situations. Today, in the century we have reached, there is a great variety in terms
of design tools such as sketches, drawing techniques, perspective, diagrams, collages, computer programs, reality tools, media tools, tangible interactive tools, and internet- based tools. In the literature, it is emphasized that each new tool that develops differentiates the designer's design acquisition with the mind-body and environmental interaction it offers to the designer. Despite this, it is seen that studies either focus on a single design tool or compare the tools as digital/numerical and traditional/analog.
Therefore, no study has been conducted that addresses the contribution of design tools to design acquisition in a holistic manner.
The study, which takes this limited view in the literature as a problem, sees this multiplicity and diversity of design tools as an opportunity for different design acquisitions in design education. In this context, it aims to question the contribution of the transmedia storytelling approach, which is proposed as an alternative design approach, to the diversification of design tools and thus the differentiation of design acquisition in the interaction of mind, body and environment. For this purpose, it is planned to use the proposed approach in the presentation phase in line with the structure of the study. In the study, presentation is considered as a part of the design process and the final stage rather than the organization of representations and their transformation into a sheet after the end of the design process.
In the study, which was created by using the qualitative research method, a case study was conducted with 13 students in the Interior Architecture Project I course coded ICM- 246E in the 2023-2024 Spring Semester of the Department of Interior Architecture at Istanbul Technical University. In the case study, the design tools and environments used by the students in line with the proposed approach were collected with the observer method and the differentiation of design acquisition with changing design tools was
analyzed. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the proposed approach diversified the design tools used by the students in the design process, contributed to the deepening and permanence of learning with the differentiation of design acquisition, thus the presentation in design studios could be used in the design process.