Son Sınıf Hemşirelik Öğrencileri ve Yeni Mezun Hemşirelerde Moral Distresin İncelenmesi: Bir Model Geliştirme Çalışması

Göster/ Aç
Kovancı, Mustafa Sabri
Ambargo Süresi
6 ayÜst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
The aim of the study was to examine the moral
distress in senior nursing students and new graduate nurses. The study, which was
conducted using the convergent parallel design approach, one of the mixed method
research designs, was completed in two separate populations (senior nursing
students and newly graduated nurses) and in two stages. The data were collected
with the descriptive data form for senior nursing students and new graduate nurses,
Moral Distress Scale for Nursing Students and Healthcare Workers, and semistructured
questionnaire for senior nursing students and new graduate nurses. SPSS
25.0 and MAXQDA programs were used for data analysis. The frequency of moral
distress in senior nursing students was found to be below the medium value and the
intensity was found to be above the medium value. It was determined that the type
of school, taking courses on ethical issues, feeling ready to fulfill the role of
caregiver, advocate and manager, self-confidence in solving ethical problems and
the level of mastery of legal regulations for the profession significantly affected
moral distress. In the qualitative study conducted in the context of moral distress
experiences of senior nursing students, a total of four themes and 14 sub-themes
emerged. Quantitative analyses showed that gender, type of hospital, length of
service in the profession, fulfillment of caregiver role and fulfillment of manager
role significantly affected moral distress in newly graduated nurses. The frequency
of moral distress in newly graduated nurses was found to be below the medium
value, while its intensity was found to be above the medium value. In the qualitative
analysis conducted in the context of moral distress experiences of nurses, four
themes and 16 sub-themes emerged.Based on the qualitative and quantitative data
of the study, a model was developed to address the moral distress process
experienced by new graduate nurses who transition from student to professional.
As a result, it is recommended that supportive guidance mechanisms, practices and
regulations at individual, institutional and system level should be implemented to
reduce and cope with moral distress in nursing students and new graduate nurses.