6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin İngilizce Dersinde Dinlediğini-Okuduğunu Anlama ve Yazma Becerilerine Ulaşma Düzeyi

Göster/ Aç
Akdağ, Ahmet Ata
Ambargo Süresi
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the attainment level of 6th grade students to the
objectives in the national English curriculum in terms of listening-reading comprehension
and writing skills. The research, in which the descriptive research method was used, was
conducted with 621 6th grade students in public secondary schools in Ankara province. The
schools were classified in accordance with the legislation of the MoNE as upper, middle
and lower socio economic groups. In the research, achievement tests and interview form
were used as data collection tools. The data obtained from the achievement tests were
analyzed with SPSS statistics program. According to the results of the research, the
students in the upper, middle and lower groups could not reach any of the skills at 0.75 level
and the test scores of the students in the upper group were significantly higher than the test
scores of the students in the middle and lower groups in all three skills. There was no
significant difference between the test scores of the students in the middle and lower
groups. It was also found that the students were more successful in listening
comprehension and were less successful in writing. As a result of the comparison made
according to the learning levels, it was found that the test scores of the students who learn
at high level in different socio-economic groups differ significantly in listening and reading
comprehension skills. Also it was found that the test scores of the students who learn at
lower level in different socio-economic groups differ significantly in writing skill. The data
obtained from interview form which was applied to 18 students were analyzed with
MAXQDA software program. The analysis results of the interview form indicated that the
students generally have positive opinions about the quality of English education in school
and they have some expectations for the improvement of the teaching-learning process.