Bilişim Teknolojisi Öğretmen ve Öğretmen Adaylarının Sayısal Ayak İzi Kavramlarının İncelenmesi

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Acele , Bahar
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The purpose of this study is to examine the conceptions of information technology teachers and preservice teachers on digital footprint. The digital footprint is a natural consequence of existence in online environments and it is a virtual identity consisting of the information that people allow to be monitored as a result of their online actions. Knowing that personal sharing’s or the footprints they leave will affect their lives in many ways is an awareness that individuals should have. This situation, in which individuals form a virtual representation, is actually closely related to knowing how to manage online reputation. Information technology teachers and preservice teachers are the population of this study. In this research, Information technology teachers and preservice teachers were reached with convenient sampling. Within the scope of the study, the research data were collected from 266 preservice teachers and 78 teachers who work in a certain number of provinces in the academic year of 2019-2020. In addition, four Information Technology teachers were interviewed. In this study, “The Digital Footprint Awareness Survey” improved by ‘EAVI: the European Association for Viewers Interests and DLEARN: European Digital Learning Network.’ was used. The permission for usage has been approved and the survey was adapted to Turkish. According to results although IT teachers and preservice teachers were able to manage their footprints, it was found that in fact there were few who thought the data was likely not to be deleted. It is thought that the findings of the research are important in terms of revealing the current situation.