Türkiye’den Yurt Dışına İşçi Göçünün Türk Sinemasına Yansıması: Almanya Örneği Üzerinden Görsel Analiz
Labor migration form Turkey to Germany, causes, process, integration, immigration policy and immigrants as an important sociological issues. Cinema is through out the community, culture, social change because of its ability to reflect a realistic perspective and a importnat means of mass communication is an art and a social phenomenon which can be an important historical documents for both society. Turkish cinema is the reflection of labor migration from Turkey to Germany in the study “Almanya Acı Vatan”, “Gurbetçi Şaban”, “Polizei” and “Sarı Mercedes” is handled via the movies. The main objective of this study the causes, shape, process of migration on these films, integration, overview of the destination country and society, immigrants look and solidarity, work areas, is to examine how the people in Turkey and the return of thought recognized.