Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk Hastalarında Obsesyon, Kompulsiyon ve Endişe ile Erken Dönem Uyum Bozucu Şemalar, Üst-Biliş ve Düşünce Eylem Kaynaşması Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi
This study examined the relationship between schema domains and obsessive-compulsive symptoms and worry. The mediator roles of thought action fusion (moral TAF, likelihood TAF) and metacognitions (positive beliefs, negative beliefs, cognitive confidence, need to control thoughts, cognitive self-consciousness) were also investigated. The sample of the study consisted of 96 OCD patients applying to the outpatient clinic and OCD patients hospitalized in the inpatient psychiatry clinic of Hacettepe University Department of Psychiatry. Demographic data form, Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form, Metacognitions Questionnaire-30, Thought Action Fusion Scale, Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale and Penn State Worry Questionnaire were used to measure the above mentioned variables.