Sanal Sahnelerde Seyirci Konforunun İçerik Analizi ile Geliştirilmesi ve Gerçeklik Tutma Etkisinin Azaltılması
Providing a depth-rich Virtual Reality (VR) experience to users without causing
discomfort remains to be a challenge with head-mounted displays (HMDs), which enforce
strict measures on stereoscopic camera parameters. However, these measures often lead
to an unimpressive VR experience with shallow depth feeling. We propose the first
method ready to be used with existing consumer HMDs for automated stereoscopic
camera control in virtual environments (VEs). Using radial basis function interpolation
and projection matrix manipulations, our method makes it possible to significantly
enhance user experience in terms of overall perceived depth while maintaining visual
discomfort on a par with the default arrangement. Wealso introduce the first immersive
interface for authoring a unique 3D stereoscopic cinematography for any VE. We
conducted a user study that demonstrates the benefits of our approach in terms of superior
picture quality and perceived depth. We also investigated the effects of using depth of
field (DoF) with our approach and observed that DOFdegrades experience.
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