Cerrahi Olarak Bipedal Hale Getirilmiş C57B16 Fare Soyunda Raloksifen Östradiol ve Nitrikoksit Tedavisinin İdiopatik Skolyoz Gelişimine Etkileri
AIS is a mulitfactoriel disease. Understanding pathogenesis of the disease may be helpful in treatment for preventing the disease and progression of the curve. We investigated etiopathogenesis of AIS and effects of the pharmological agents in scoliosis incidence and progression of the curve. Also the effects of bipedality on the sagital spine deformities and pelvis anthropometry. One hundred and fifty eight mice were transported to out facility when they can be seperated from their parents (3 weeks-old). Except for 28 mice all of them were rendered bipedal with forelimb and tail amputation. All of them were seperated to groups according to pharmological agents: quadripedal control group, bipedal control group, raloxifen group, nitric oxide group, ostrogen group. Bone dansitometry measurements and X rays were obtained at 5., 20. and 40. weeks. Spesific numbers of mice were sacrified for spine samples to send relevant centres. Deformities were analyzed for both scoliosis incidence and curve angles. Lower limit for scoliosis Cobb angle was 5 degrees. There was no difference in scoliosis incidence (p=0.528 and p=0.132). At 40. week because of insufficient numbers of samples, there was no comparement between groups, but the scoliosis incidence was % 100 in quadripedal control group. Raloxifen group had similar scoliosis incidence and curve degrees at 20. and 40. week. Thoracal kyphosis was 57.2 ± 12.3 at 5. Week in 24 mice, 53.4 ±13.9 at 20. Week in 111 mice and 47,7 ±9.4 degrees at 40. Week in remaining 56 mice. Bipedal group had lower thoracal kyphosis degrees than quadripedal group. Spinosacral angle was 80.5 ± 27.5 at 5. Week in 24 mice, 48.2 ± 10.3 at 20. Week in 111 mice and 60.4 ± 12 degrees at 40. Week in remaining 56 mice. Bipedal group had lower spinosacral degrees than quadripedal group. These were thought to be relevant to bipedality. Pelvic incidence was 12.3 ± 7.3 at 5. Week in 24 mice, 16.3 ± 7.3 at 20. Week in 111 mice and 13.5 ± 8.1 degrees at 40. Week in remaining 56 mice. Bipedal group had lower pelvic incidence degrees than quadripedal group probably because bipedality lowers pelvic volume. Estrogen receptor β values was similar in all groups in immunohistochemical investigation. Calmodulin receptor levels were higher in bipedal control group. With this study we showed that Raloxifen prevents the progression of experimental scoliosis.