Modelleme Tabanlı Argümantasyonun Öğrencilerin Bilimin Doğasını Kavramalarına Etkisi
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of Modeling Based Argumentation (MBA) method on subject of magnets in the physical learning environment on students' nature of science conceptions, modeling and argumentation levels and their disciplinary and epistemic engagement levels. This study was carried out with the 23 eleventh grade students who took the physics course of Anatolian High School in Batman. In the study, eleventh grade physics course, magnets topic in Electric and Magnetism unit were instructed based on MBA method. Handouts on Modeling Based Argumentation Activities, Nature of Science Questionnaire, Students' Opinions about Modeling Based Argumentation Questionnaire were used as data collection tools in the study. Handouts on Modeling Based Argumentation Activities, Model Design Information Booklet, Students' Opinions about Modeling Based Argumentation Questionnaire which used during instruction, were developed by the researcher. During 10 weeks of instruction students were assigned to five groups and those group works were recorded using a camera, tablet and voice recorder. Content analysis was done because the data obtained were qualitative data. In the study, it was observed that both the levels of modeling and argumentation and the levels of disciplinary and epistemic engagement involvement of students in physics lessons where MBA method used and the opinions of the nature of science improved over time.