Bazı Gelişmiş Ülkeler İle Nijer’de Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Eğitimi Ve İstihdamı Konusunda Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz
This study is a comparative study between some developed countries and Republic of Niger about training and employment conditions of primary school teachers. The study aimed to identify strengths and weaknesses of the training and employment conditions of primary school teachers and identify similarities and differences between the practices of Singapore, South Korea, Finland, Poland, Ireland and Turkey and Niger. In this context, the main sources about the overview of the selected developed countries and Niger, the pre-service and in-service teacher education and employment conditions of teachers working in primary schools were analyzed. The countries were selected for their high performance in the PISA 2012 results and for having successful policies in teacher training and employment and Turkey was selected as one of OECD member countries. As results, the similarities and differences have been fund between the countries’ practices. It is viewed that all selected developed countries upgraded the level of the pre-service education to higher education. Therefore, Singapore, South Kore and Finland used strict competition with focus on interview for selecting high quality candidates. Beside the autonomy and responsibility entrusted to teachers in these countries, material and moral incentives are provided to teachers in the framework to keep a teaching profession among the most respected professions in the society. The workloads of teachers are reduced and the necessary leave and financial support are provided to ensure their continuing professional development. Finally, in the light of obtained results the suggestions for the above mentioned practices were recommended for Niger.