Türkiye'de İslamcılığın Değişen Siyasal Dili: 1990'larda İslamcı Dergiler
The subject of this research is changing of Islamism’s political discourse in
1990’s. The transformation of Islamism in economics, politics, culture, everyday
life is an important phenomena of political and intellectual debate in recent years.
The purpose of this research is to describe, discuss and investigate the changing
in the political discourse of Islamism in terms of causes and consequences. In
accordance with this aim, a discourse analysis was made on the articles
published in the Islamist periodical in 1990s.
In the first chapter of the study it's explained the knowledge about the research.
New Ottoman Thought, the ideas of Cemalettin Afgani and Muhammed Abduh
and the policy of Pan
Islamism of Sultan Abdülhamit were examined in the
context of the intellectual and political or
igins of Islamism in the second chapter of the study. Thirdly, the Islamist movement in the Constitutional period was examined. In the fourth chapter, “Republican Period of Islamic Thought" was discussed and analyzed. "Islamism as a Project of Total Power Based on the Absolute Sovereignty of God" has been examined in the fifth chapter. In this period, Islamism is structured as a "life order" and turned into a totalitarian ideological rhetoric which has power in
its center. It can be considered that Islamism acquired a collectivist and conflicting
ideological identity with conceptualizations of "Islamic State", "Jihad", "Allah's
Sovereignty", "Divine System" and so on.
"Developments leading to the change of Islamism" are discussed in the sixth
chapter. In this context, it has been found that firstly the end of the cold war
period, rising postmodernist discourse, new economic and political opportunities
in Turkey, translation activities in the 1990’s, “initiative" and “changing” debates in RP, the failure
of Islamic projects in various countries of the World and 28
February event lead to the change of Islamic discourse in Turkey.
"The New Political Language of Islamism" is debated in the seventh chapter. In
this framework, the debates around the idea of "Islamic State" were analyzed and
the debates that have arisen in the context of Medina Vesikas have been
examined. The new Islamist discourse which is formed on the concepts of
"Pluralism", "Multi-legality" and "Participation" has been evaluated. Also "New
Approaches to Secularism in Islamic Discourse" and Democracy Debates in the
Islamic Discourse have been discussed and analyzed. It has been found that an
perceptivity of Islamism, which embraces democracy, has begun to develop in
these years. The study was concluded with an assessment and conclusion section in which
the main findings and conclusions were summarized.