Along with the development of technology, the involvement of the computer in the design process has brought about a numerical change in design environments and production techniques. With this change, we have gained importance which methods, software and hardware are used for computer-generated design. The software and hardware used make it easy to work, to become diverse and to reach an increasingly wider audience at the point of purchasing power has led to the emergence of new abstract design possibilities.
It is known that traditional approaches to solving problems in both design domain and design education are insufficient. One of the most effective approaches in this case is to take advantage of the possibilities provided by virtual reality technology. Virtual reality is influential in the resolution of complex information and concepts by making technology easier to perceive. Virtual reality applications enable design students to increase their motivation, improve their creativity, and create new ideas. Thanks to this technology, the student is active and in a social interaction environment. In addition, the lack of space and time constraints on the courses ensures that the design student gains freedom in the learning process For this reason, the use of virtual reality technology in interior architecture education has been researched.
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İnternet Kaynakları
http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/VETopLevels/VR.History. html