Macar Halk Masalları ve Söylenceleri İle İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Destanlarındaki Ortak Motifler
ULUTAN, Emine Mediha. Common Motifs in Hungarian Folktales and Legends and Pre-Islamic Turkish Epics. Master’s thesis, Ankara, 2017.
In this study, Legends in early Hungarian chronicles such as Sihirli Geyik (Magical Deer), Tuğrul Kuşu (Tugrul Bird), early Hungarian tales, Pre-Islamic Turkish epics and oral literature texts compared and with this way common motifs were determined. It is known that to establish a link with the Hungarian descents that accepted Turcology as the second national discipline, Turkish languages and cultures are searched. Our aim is to analyze Turkish legends and folktales that might have archaic features and the world of thoughts, belief, mythology in the motifs of these legends and tales in which Hungarian people reckon their own archaic heroism epics with Turkish studies – Turkish perspective.
Key Words: Old Hungarian Folktales, Turkish epics, legends, motive.