Okullarda Sağlık Yönetiminin ve Gelecek Beklentilerinin Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarısına Etkisi: (Çankaya İlçesi Yatılı Liseler Örneği)
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of school health management on students’ academic achievements and future expectations. There is a statistically significant relationship between health and future expectations. In this context, the research will be done on students at the state high schools in Ankara, Çankaya which are affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. Research evidence shows that schools with a healthy environment are at a lower risk than unhealthy environments. Students with good health perform better at school than those who are unhealthy. Problems caused by poor health lead to the possibility of high school failure, poor concentration levels, the possibility of being in class and leaving school. However, health is a complex and difficult concept, and its definition often has assumptions and limitations. Therefore, the relationship between health and academic achievement as well as future expectations is often complex.
Schools have been forced to improve student health by providing favorable environments, policies, support services and knowledge-based interventions. Schools should develop integrated health interventions because of their proven effectiveness in promoting healthy lifestyles among students. The research examines the effect of school health management on future expectations, academic achievements and offers some suggestions in this context. Another important aspect for the research is that the results obtained in the research contribute to the literature, present a different perspective in education, and serve as a reference source for policy makers and educators in order to disseminate innovative practices in teaching processes and to take necessary measures in this regard.