Çok Boyutlu Testlerin Tek Boyutlu ve Çok Boyutlu Yöntemlere Göre Eşitlenmesi
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Zor, Yaşar Mehmet
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In this study, multidimensional and unidimensional scale transformation procedures were performed on multidimensional test forms under various conditions, and it was aimed to compare the equating errors obtained from item and ability parameters. Equating error (RMSE) was used as an evaluation criterion. Two-dimensional and simple structured test forms were produced in R software. IRTPRO software was used for estimation of item and ability parameters, Linkmirt software was used for multidimensional scale transformation, and IRTEQ software was used for unidimensional scale transformation. Sample size (1000 and 2000), correlation between dimensions (0.1; 0.5 and 0.9), common item ratio (20% and 40%), difference in ability distribution between groups (0.05 and 0.5) and parameter estimation model (2PLM and 3PLM) were taken as study conditions. Multidimensional and unidimensional scale transformation procedures were performed in the non-equivalent groups anchor test design and the RMSE values obtained were compared. The statistical significance of the difference between the RMSE values according to the conditions and their interactions was examined by means of multi-way analysis of variance and t-test. Lower RMSE values were obtained when the sample size was 2000 and the common item ratio was 40%. In multidimensional and unidimensional scale transformation, lower RMSE values were estimated when the correlation between dimensions was 0.1 and 0.9, respectively. RMSE values are lower when the difference in ability distribution between groups is low. Lower RMSE values were obtained when the mean-mean method was used in multidimensional scale transformation and Stocking-Lord method was used in unidimensional scale transformation.
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