Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü: Güncel gönderi
Toplam kayıt 85, listelenen: 21-40
Kafka’nın “DİE VERWANDLUNG” Adlı Öyküsünün Ara Dilden Çeviri Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)The secondary translation, also called indirect translation was the subject of this study. Within this framework, the secondary translation of Franz Kafka's story "The Metamorphosis" by Mehmet Harmancı was compared in a ... -
Konsekutivdolmetschen und die Notizentechnik - Die Anwendung der Notizentechnik in dem Sprachenpaar Deutsch und Türkisch
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)YANGAÇ, Seda Naz. Consecutive İnterpretation and Notetaking Techniques- The Application of Note Taking Techniques in Turkish and German Sampling, PhD, Ankara, 2020. In this thesis it is explained and shown through ... -
Interkulturelle Aspekte in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur am Beispiel der Orient- und Türkenbilder in den Romanen "Sieger nach Punkten" von Thorsten Becker, "Selim oder die Gabe der Rede" von Sten Nadolny und "Das Verschwinden des Schattens in der Sonne" von Barbara Frischmuth
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)The cultural diversity of today's world increases the interest in the foreign cultures. Literature, in which this interest arises, can be seen as a platform for getting to know other cultures. In this context, the present ... -
Aspekte der Toleranz In Angelıka Overaths Roman “Eın Wınter In Istanbul”
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)In dieser Arbeit wurde das Werk Ein Winter in Istanbul von Angelika Overath analysiert. Die Arbeit besteht aus zwei Teilen. In dem ersten Teil geht es um die Theorie, in der auf die Themen Aufklärung, Toleranz, Philosophie ... -
Eıne Vergleıchende Semıotısche Analyse Der Automobılwerbungen Im Deutschen Und Türkıschen
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)Almost as old as human history, advertising is one of the most important sales marketing methodes. Today, many advertising tools are often used in daily life.Among these, the most frequently used ones are written and ... -
Der Eınsatz Von Neuen Medıen Im Daf-Unterrıcht Eıne Kontrastıve Und Semıotısche Analyse Von Der Verwendung Multımedıaler Hılfsmıttel Im Rahmen Neues Lernen-Neues Handeln
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)Foreign language teaching is not just a teaching and learning process where you learn a new language. It is also a growth and development of oneself accompanied by a new foreign culture. In this sense, it is important to ... -
New Historicim als Rezeption des türkischen Orients im Reisebericht "Auf deutscher Bahn in Kleinasien" (1892) von Friedrich Dernburg
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)ZEYTINOĞLU, Gülperi. NEW HISTORICISM AS RECEPTION OF THE TURKISH ORIENT IN THE TRAVEL REPORT “ON THE GERMAN RAILWAY IN ASIA MINOR” (1892) BY FRIEDRICH DERNBURG, Master Thesis, Ankara, 2020. The present work deals with ... -
The Poetic Function Of The Space In Ozdamar'S Selected Works
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013)The concept of space is not only one of the central concepts of philosophy; "space" is also an integral part of any analysis in literature science. Cultural studies also contributed important, new insights into this complex ... -
The Active Role of the Recipient in Decoding an Advertisement Respectively a Poster
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013)From a structural point of view, an advertisement can be analysed on textual and visual level. The texts as well as the pictures as a sign have a denotative and connotative meaning. Furthermore, there are communication ... -
Multimedia-Based Enrichment For Foreign Language Teaching
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013)Since 2010 the department for German language and linguistics at the Hacettepe University, Ankara, is testing the online-learning platform Moodle to enrich its course system successfully. Moodle as an online support for ... -
Innovative and Organized Approaches for Foreign Language Teaching in Turkey
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012)Innovation and organization in language education are more than just a teacher and students in the same classroom, at the same time, using the same materials and current motivation. The importance of innovations is highlighted ... -
Computer (Mechanical) Translations In Future
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013)In the introduction part of this case study, information about how computerized translation programs started to be used as mechanical and theoretical devices is discussed. The contribution of computers in our ordinary lives ... -
An Evaluation Regarding To The Gains Of Erasmus Program In Terms Of Language And Science
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013)Cross-border cooperation must be developed in education because it is such a period that borders of the countries are disappeared by the effect of globalization; social, economical, political and cultural life is evaluated ... -
Dıe Intellektuelle Physıognomıe Der Künstlerıschen Gestalten Und Besonderheıt Des Kunstwerkes In Der Lıteraturkunst. Eıne Vergleıchende Analyse. Dargestellt An Den Ausgewählten Romanen Von Herta Müller Und Orhan Pamuk
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-10)ARSLAN KARABULUT, Müge, The intellectual Physiognomy in Characterization and Specialty of Artworks. A comparative Analysis in the selected Novels of Herta Müller and Orhan Pamuk, Ph. D. Dissertation, Ankara, 2019. The ... -
Türk ve Alman Edebiyatından Seçilen Eserlerde Engelli Karakterlerin Sunuluş Biçimleri (Kemal Tahir – Köyün Kamburu, Hasan Ali Toptaş – Sonsuzluğa Nokta, Stefan Zweig – Ungeduld Des Herzens, Günter Grass - Blechtrommel)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-09)In den letzten Jahren wurden Menschen mit Behinderung in vielen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studien thematisiert. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Darstellungsweise von Menschen mit Behinderung in literarischen Werken beruhend ... -
Die Selbstübersetzung im interkulturellen Raum am Beispiel Yüksel Pazarkayas Werk „Ben Aranıyor" und dessen Übersetzung „Ich und die Rose"
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)Bi- or multilingualism is a common phenomenon due to increased migration and globalization. It is also possible to see the reflections of this situation in the field of literature. Many multilingual writers use their ... -
Göstergebilim ve Tarihsel Gelişimi
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2014)Bir insan günlük hayatında binlerce gösterge ile karşılaşmaktadır. Bu karşılaşma bilinçli veya bilinçsizce gerçekleşir. Çevremizi ve iç dünyamızı kuşatan bu göstergeler her bilim dalı tarafından farklı parametrelerle ... -
Elemente Des Übersetzens
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016)Bis heute beschäftigt man sich im Bereich der Übersetzung mit zahlreichen Forschungen und fügte parallel dem Zeitalter neue Informationen hinzu; sei es nun im Gebiet der bereits vorhandenen Definition der Übersetzung oder ... -
Eine Semiotischde Anlyse der Kriegsplakate:Solidaritat ,Kriegsanleihe und Symbolismus im Zweiten Weltkreig
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2015)Bis zum gegenwärtigen Stand der vielfältigen Massenkommunikationsmittel diente das Plakat diversen Absichten, dessen Bestand auch noch heutzutage keine Fragen offen lässt. Mit der Wende der Industrialisierung verkörperte ... -
Die Arbeit mit Literatur im Fact Deutsch als Fremdsprach
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2020)Lehrwerkarbeit und Literaturbehandlung im DaF-Unterricht schließen sich nicht aus, sondern ergänzen sich gegenseitig. Wie verhalten sich aber Literatur und Spracherwerb zueinander? "Wie ist die ideale Verkoppelung von ...