Eıne Kultursemıotısche Analyse Der Ausgewählten Fılme Von Fatıh Akın Unter Berücksıchtıgung Der Transkulturalıtät
In today's world, the concept of culture differs in terms of both space and time. This differentiation enables the concept to be considered as a dynamic process on the one hand, and on the other hand, it makes societies rich in terms of diversity. In order to understand and describe this heterogeneous structure of societies, it is known that concepts such as "Multiculturalism" and "Interculturalism" are used in the related field. As an alternative to these mainstream approaches, the concept of "Transculturality" put forward by Wolfgang Welsch handles the issue from a very different perspective, as well as enabling a broader study ground in the field. In this respect, in this study, the concept of "Transculturality" is examined with other definitions, to what extent it represents the singular in the universal and to what extent it is suitable for research in the definition of individual identity. Since identity formation is not the subject of this research, "Transculturality" has only been considered by definition. From this point of view, the definition of "Transcultural" individual was scrutinized on the basis of Fatih Akın's own identity and his films. Because Fatih Akın and his movies are closely followed by audiences in Germany and Turkey, the term "Transculturality" has been the subject of several investigations. The abstract situation related to this definition of individual identity was tried to be analyzed with cultural semiotic methods. Cultural semiotics and general semiotics were discussed, and the content of the films were examined. Here, the semiosphere (Semiosphäre), which was created by Jurij Mikhailovich Lotman, was applied to use the phenomenon of culture in terms of semiotics.
The aim of this study is to analyze the movies of Fatih Akın in the light of the concepts of "Transculturality" and culture semiotics and in order to reveal the "Transcultural" elements with the help of cultural semiotics.