Toplam kayıt 170, listelenen: 141-160

    • Plastik Sanatlar Özelinde Beynin İşleyişi Üzerine Figüratif Çözümlemeler 

      Yedikardeş, Caner (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-05)
      The text, which is considered as figurative analysis on the functioning of the brain in the plastic arts, is based on the multidisciplinary approach in art, interrogation of past-present association, and the discussion and ...
    • Cam Tornası ve Çömlekçi Çarkı İle Artistik Cam Uygulamaları 

      Arda, Ergün (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-04)
      The research of 'Artistic Glass Applications with Glass Lathes and Potter’s wheel' has been chosen because of the fact that glass lathe method particularly in glass culture, is a new subject, glass artists and academic ...
    • Malatya ve Elazığ Yöresi Tarım ve Dokumacılık Kültürüne Ait Etnografik Nesnelerin Çağdaş Seramik Sanatında Yorumlamaları 

      Ercan, Halil Fazıl (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-03-12)
      The topic which considered as the report of artistic proficiency work was produced for agriculture and culture of weaving and today it is based on the ability to be treated as an object of influence in the art of contemporary ...
    • Özgün Biçimlemelerle Seramik Formlarda Kadın İmgesi 

      Ölçer, Nesrin (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-09-15)
      ÖLÇER, Nesrin. “Woman Image in Ceramic Forms with Original Styles”, Master Degree Graduate Art Work, Report, Ankara, 2017. In this study, women's history, their place in social, political, religious and artistic fields ...
    • Interpretations of Social Realities in Ceramic Forms and Surfaces 

      Mohammadi, Ehteram (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-07-06)
      It is not possible to imagine art without imagining persons and their behaviors, their ideas and opinions, their relationships and friendships and so on. On this way, the relationship between art and society cannot be ...
    • Kitle Kültürü Göstergeleri Üzerinden Seramik Sanatında Yapıbozumcu Anlatı 

      Yükseler, Gizem (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      In this research, it is aimed to criticze the effects of mass culture were discussed. The images and the indications used by the manipulation of ther mass culture are handled as separate sections under the heading of ...

      gizem, yükseler (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      In this research, it is aimed to criticze the effects of mass culture were discussed. The images and the indications used by the manipulation of ther mass culture are handled as separate sections under the heading of ...
    • Günümüz Sanatı Pratiklerinde Mekan Üzerine Bir Uygulama 

      Karakurt, Hatice Aybike (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      This theses which is called “An Application About Space In The Practicals Of Contemporary Art” shaped under the concept of the void. The concept of the void includes a lot of meaning. It directs people to think in many ...
    • Seramik Sanatında Dijital Uygulamalar 

      Özgüven, Sanver (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      Digital techniques used in ceramics are generally studied with two different approaches. While images / photos transferred to ceramic surfaces represent a two dimensional digital print, the production of a three dimesional ...
    • Seramik Form ve Yüzeylerde Ütopik Distopik Arayışlar 

      Arapkirli, Sevil Seda (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      Trying to understand what life holds for an individual with the given order with all the interactions of the individual's life, and how the individual positions the desire to be happy within what is given, and investigating ...
    • Pirinç Kabuğu Kulunun Kuvars Olarak Sinter Bünyelerde Kullanılma Olanaklarının Araştırılması Ve Özgün Form Uygulamalarındaki Etkileri 

      Gümüş Akman, Nagihan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-01-12)
      Ceramics, has progressed from past to present in a movement in terms of art and technology. In the light of the information have gained, diversity has increased and new attempts have been made to overcome limitations of ...
    • Ajansal Sanat: Hiçliğin Özgürlüğü 

      Selmanpakoğlu, Ceren (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2013)
      The aim of this study is to reveal through the mediation of agent art s doing that the person chooses an illusion of being a subject and a symptom that provides consistency to what already exists instead of nothingness in ...
    • Seramik Yüzeylerde Fırça İle Dekor 

      Mahdizad, Mahdiyeh (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2015)
      Ceramic is deemed as one of the most important discoveries made by man. It plays a vital role both in industry and arts. In this work, ceramic is shown as a multi-functional material which could be utilized in decoration. ...
    • Hikaye Anlatan Su Oyunları 

      Gordon, Zachary (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2014)
      This Thesis focuses on decorative fountains and how they can be used to tell stories. The 1st chapter of this Thesis discusses the difference between functional (çeşme) and decorative (su oyunu) fountains and their history ...
    • Doğa, Sanat ve Biyomimetik Bilim 

      Genç, Melda (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2013)
      The concept of Nature has been a source of inspiration for artists. Recently, rapid depletion of Earth’s resources has become focal point for the artist and scientist to find new solutions. As scientist have been trying ...
    • Gelenekselden Çağdaşa Macsabal 

      Sarıkaya, Kerem (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2014)
      Continuity points out the daily existance of something. In craft, continuity isdepended on demand. Whereas, in art, it isrelating to interaction which couldonly be realised with daily events, philosophy, culture, technology ...
    • Karikatürize Edilmiş Seramik Boğa Figürleri 

      Özer, Rıza Tan Buğra (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2014)
      The bull figure was seen sometimes as a god to pray, sometimes as an enemy, sometimes as a useful creature,the emergence of the mankind and the process to present day.The purpose of this report is characterized the bulls ...
    • T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı İlkokul 4.Sınıf Görsel Sanatlar Ders Programına Kilden Uygulamalarla Katkılar 

      Özçelik, Nermin (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2015)
      This research thesis; aimed for 4th grade students has been in line with the program thatis prepared accordingly to the curriculum,which is belong to the Ministry of NationalEducation Head Counsil of Education and Morality’s ...
    • Doğal Dokuların Geometrik Biçimli, Seramik Yüzeylerdeki Yorumu 

      Aykanat, Esin (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2014)
      The aim of this research is to voice criticism on the dualism between city life and natural habitat. In the first chapter, an inquiry is presented on the issue of natural textures that are used as a symbol of natural habitat ...
    • Kilden Yapılan Uygulamalar Yoluyla 7-10 Yaş Aralığındaki Down Sendromlu Çocuklara Beceri Kazandırılması 

      Yedikardeş, Caner (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2014)
      Although the children with Down's syndrome go forward in the same development stages with the children progress ingnornally, they stay behind especially in terms of mental process and motor skills development because of ...