Sıradanlığın Sınırlarında İlişkisel Sanat
Life can exist through death. Art, on the other hand, finds its meaning in life like death. Relational art is works of art that photograph the spirit of time and the moment in life and enable us to have different experiences, despite the death of the everyday and ordinary. These works live not only in forms and forms, but also in emotions that are discovered and experienced. In this relationality, emotions invite us to an encounter and dialogue. While the intuitiveness of art transcends the mundane by embodying the idea, it makes some things that we cannot solve in life become real by making them transparent, or they lie. Getting to know each other, discovering other lives and feelings, being involved in new stories and meeting in the reality of art can be possible with relational art. Human; It is a member of the social whole, which is changed by the environment, culture, power, family and spirit of the period, but also creates boundaries of privacy and is pushed to develop measured and practical relationship models.
The purpose of this research is to simultaneously examine and question the relationality and spaces in today's art, while dealing with creating new emotions and new situations through art making practices in the mediocrity at the borders of life. First of all, relational art was examined in two separate groups as “meetings” and “encounters”. In addition to creating a theoretical thought by examining our daily life practices and spaces in the process of living, the works of artists who use the permission documents created by art to transform the mundane are discussed together with the works I produced during the thesis research process.