Üniversitelerin Öğretim, Bilimsel Araştırma Ve Topluma Hizmet İşgörülerini Gerçekleştirme Bakımından Eğitim Durumlarının Niteliği
The aim of the research is to detect the level of instructors' realisation of teaching, scientific research and community service tasks related to the quality of education in higher education and to determine their views on this issue. Correlational survey model, one of the general survey models, was used in the study. The research is based on the URAP ranking in the 2021-2022 academic year and it was carried out in the education and medicine faculties of three state universities in the lower, middle and upper groups. In the study, opinions of 278 lecturers and 855 university students were obtained in gathering quantitative data whereas opinions were obtained of 31 lecturers and 21 university students in qualitative data The recommendation by the quantitative data researcher was collected over three studies: "Scale for Evaluating the Quality of Teaching Service of Faculty Members", "Scale for Evaluating the Quality of Teaching Service of the Higher Education", and "Scale for Evaluating the Quality of Teaching Service of the Whole University". As a result of the research, while the main effect of university and faculty created a statistically significant difference in teaching service, the joint effect of university and faculty did not create a significant difference. While the main effect of the university showed a significant difference for two factors, but not for one, it did not reveal a significant difference for three factors in the scientific research and community service functions. It was also seen that the joint effect of both universities and faculties did not make a significant difference in three factors. The views of the students in universities regarding the quality of the educational status of higher education were revealed. According to university students, it was found that the main effect of the university and the faculty on the teaching service is statistically significant for two factors. It was found that the joint effect of the university and the faculty was statistically significant only in the factor of guidance service and assessment of the level of student development.