Yüzeyde Güçlendirilmiş Raman Spektroskopisi Kullanılarak Ağır Metal Tayinine Yönelik Yeni Sistemleri Geliştirilmesi
(SERS) was aimed in the present study for the detection of heavy metal ions. Five heavymetal ions have been chosen which are essential for the protection of human health.Dendrimer molecules from first and second generations with different functional groupsand silver nanoparticles were used for development of the system. SERS spectra of heavymetal ions in the presence and absence of dendrimer molecules and silver nanoparticleswere investigated. Several parameters such as the concentration and quantity of dendrimermolecules and silver nanoparticles were optimized in the first step. After the optimizationof experimental parameters, SERS measurements were carried out for the complexesconsist of heavy metal ion + dendrimer + silver nanoparticles . Calibration graphes weregenerated by following Raman bands which are spesific to each metal ion.