In this study, it is aimed to examine the scientific reasoning characteristics of children of different ages, who are considered to be in the concrete operational period, in social sciences. The approach of research is qualitative and method is the case study. Interview and observation methods were used as data collection methods in the study conducted with a total of 45 students between the ages of 7-11. In the interviews, data were collected using a semi-structured interview form based on two thought experiments in the social sciences and an observation form. When the data were examined, it was found that abductive reasoning features are seen at high and medium levels from 7 to 9 years old and it is seen at high, medium and low levels in children aged 10 and 11 years. In addition, inductive reasoning features are seen at medium and low levels in all age groups from 7 to 11 years old, while hypothetical deductive and deductive reasoning method features are seen at low levels in all age groups. However, despite the assumption that the ages of entering and completing the developmental stages in Piaget's cognitive development theory may vary from culture-to-culture general situation of our small study group is considered that the operational period begins around the age of 9 years. It was not possible to comment on the age of transition to the formal operational stage 11 years old children still shows the characteristics of the concrete operational stage at a medium and low level.
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