1923-2018 Yılları Arasında Uygulanan Ortaöğretim Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programlarının Analizi
In this study, fifteen high school mathematics curricula implemented between 1923 and 2018 were analysed with the program analysis steps of Posner (2004). The qualitative research method and “Holistic multiple case study”, “document analysis” was used in the collection and analysis of data in this study.
In line with the findings from the research, it is concluded that mathematics curricula development in Turkey doesn’t follow an order, there are periodic pauses, gaining periodic intensity with the effect of political, economic, and social events in Turkey and in the world. Programs from the 1950s to the 2000s were influenced by the behavioral approach and the 2005 program adopted the constructivist approach. The 1987 program, the "modern mathematics" used today was adopted, new dimensions were added to the programs for the objectives, educational status and evaluation required by the "Educational program" understanding. In the programs, the objectives are based on Bloom's taxonomy. However, the balance established at the level of general objectives after 2005 was not reflected in the achievements, and the affective domain gains were neglected. Linear programming approach was dominant in 1991, 1998, 2005 and 2011 programs in content structuring while spiral programming approach was dominant in other programs. İnformation about the program’s implementation took place with the 1987 program, the 2005 and 2011 programs were thus the most comprehensive programs. This study will enlighten the historical development of mathematics curricula and benefit future program development studies.