The research focuses on investigation of the contact and communication of the
objects in everyday use with the person. The circulation of the object during the
day and the transformation process of the everyday object into an art form have
been analyzed through the perception of the artist. The research has addressed
the approach of the artist to the object through personal and social memory
during the transformation process.
The object that has become an indication of class in the course of the Industrial
Revolution, the images that are created by the object on the perception, and the
transformation of these images are studied. The change of the object in the
industry together with ascribed meaning of classes thereto, and its relation to the
schools have been investigated. The change in the design and perception of the
object in the Arts and Craft movement following the Industrial Revolution and
Bauhaus school have been particularly emphasized. Apart from the concept of
design, the function of the object as well as newly formed sense of aesthetics and
the memory brought along therewith have been taken into consideration. The
daily objects change in the sense of their indication of class as forms thereof in
the industry varies.
In this scope, the connection of the artist with the daily object, and the effect of
the memory in the transformation of daily object into an art object have been
examined. The different approaches of the artists to the daily objects in their
works have been investigated. This thesis discusses the personal
implementations and artistic approaches based on object, memory, and class.
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