1968' Den Günümüze TRT Programları İçinde Plastik Sanatlar Konusunun Ele Alınışı Ve Günümüzden Bir Örnek Belgesel Uygulama

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Yavuz, Mürşide Zerrin
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This study report is composed of two main titles, namely “The Study of Plastic Arts in TRT Programs since 1968 till Today” and “A Sample Contemporary Documentary Application”
In the first part, under the title of “The Programs about Plastic Arts in TRT” the broadcasted programs since the earliest days of TRT until 2008 have been presented in a chart and the programs that have been broadcasted since 2008 till today have been presented under the guidance of TRT senior administrators and the personal opinions and evaluations of some producers and directors.
The second part which is given under the title of “A Sample Contemporary Documentary of Programs containing Plastic Arts” is the depiction of Hamiye Çolakoğlu’s , one of the pioneering ceramics artists of the early Republican Period, idea of designing a museum in order to maintain the longevity and permanence of the works she has produced throughout her life. The endeavor of Hamiye Çolakoğlu to realize the dream of this museum has made her students also a part of this dream and this journey that they started together has unfortunately become the story of her students taking over the duty upon her death in 2014. A story in which they continued the dream of establishing a museum and realized that dream. In this study, it is aimed to emphasize the importance of the programs about plastic arts that have taken place on screen until today along with the support of a contemporary application.
Key Words: TRT, plastic arts, documentary, museum, creativity.