Akrilonitril Vinil Asetat Kopolimerinin Kimyasal Modifikasyonu ve Metal Adsorpsiyonunda Kullanılması
A polyacrylamidoxime copolymer containing hydrophilic vinyl alcohol unit was synthesized to enhance the amount of adsorbed UO22+ ions. The increase in adsorption is thought to be arised from improvement of diffusion ability caused by enhanced hydrophilicity. In this context, in the first chapter of thesis, nitrile groups attached to polyacrylonitrile, were converted into amidoxime groups by treatment with hydroxylamine solution. In the second part of thesis, vinyl acetate groups were converted into vinyl alcohol groups by treatment with sodium hydroxide solution. All new structures were characterized by FT-IR, NMR, XPS, elemental analysis and thermal analysis methods (TGA, DSC). The amount of adsorbed UO22+ ions was measured by ICP-MS method.From the Langmuir and Freundlich equations, these have been understood that the single layer adsorption onto heterogenous surfaces takes role for the adsorption process and the adsorption capacity was found as 476 mg UO22+ g dry P(AAO-VA).