Acil Durumlara/Afetlere Bireysel Hazırlığı Değerlendirmek için Sağlık Inanç Modeli’ne Dayalı Ölçek Geliştirme.
The aim of the study was to develop a scale based on the HBM which can provide a
reliable and valid evaluation of individuals' emergency/disaster preparedness
behaviours, attitudes and beliefs. It was also aimed to evaluate explanatory factors
associated with disaster preparedness. A questionnaire consisted of 87 item scale was
developed by the investigator based on previous studies with regards to HBM and
emergency/disaster preparedness. It was subjected to review of experts. Following
evaluations, the final questionnaire was reduced to a 60 item scale. The draft of scale
with 60 items was further applied to 286 academic/administrative staff of Yalova
University from April 2014 to July 2014. Data analysis was completed using SPSS
17.0 and LISREL 8.7 program. In consequence of total-item correlation, the number
of items were decreased to 33. A principal component factor analysis was used to
measure the construct validity of the scale. Six factor groups were obtained. The
domains included; ‘‘Perceived Susceptibility,’’ ‘‘Perceived Severity’’, ‘‘Perceived
Benefits’’, ‘‘Perceived Barriers’’, ‘‘Cues to Action’’ and ‘‘Self Efficacy.’’ The scale
demonstrated a high level of internal consistency reliability with a Cronbach's Alpha
Coefficient of 0.90 (for all domains, they were >0.70). Test and retest reliability of
scale was r=0.72 p<0.001. The scale total mean score was 109,12±16,00. The mean
scores for domains were as follow; Perceived Susceptibility (26.57±4.04), Perceived
Severity (11.53±2.45), Perceived Benefits (11.93±1.94), Perceived Barriers
(18.58±4.07), Cues to Action (15.80±4.59) and Self Efficacy (24.69±6.35). The
results show that scale with 33 items was a reliable and valid scale to measure the
behaviours, attitudes and beliefs of individuals with regards to disaster preparedness.
The scale should be applied to different sociodemographic groups.