Otizm Sosyal Beceriler Profili Ölçeğinde Puanlayıcılar Arası Güvenirliğin Klasik Test Kuramı ve Genellenebilirlik Kuramına Göre Karşılaştırılması
In this study, interrater reliability was compared based on classical test theory and generalizability theory according to the scores which were obtained from five raters’ ratings with Autism Social Skills Profile. Levels of reliability coefficients obtained from classical test theory and different designs in generalizability theory formed by five raters’ jointly and alternatively ratings was determined and which theory presented more information was tried to be specified. The research group consists of 50 children and youth with autism who are getting training in a special education and rehabilitation center in Ankara and 5 raters rated them through social reciprocity sub-scale under Autism Social Skills Profile (ASSP).