Disiplinli Zihin Özellikleri Açısından Fen ve Teknoloji Eğitimi ve Öğrenci Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi
This study aims to investigate to what extent does the curricular features of science and technology lesson focus on the key characteristics of disciplined mind, to what extent the learning activities to cultivate disciplined minds are included in teaching and learning process, and to what extent do the students show the traits and characteristics of disciplined mind.The study employed purposeful sampling, using maximum variation sampling strategy to select the study sample. It was carried out in 3 schools located in the central districts of the city of Ankara, which were divided into three groups according to their test scores (low, middle, and high) at 2009 High School Entrance Examination (OKS); with 468, 7th grade students and 3 science and technology teachers working at these schools during the fall term of 2012-2013 academic year.