2006-2018 Yılları Arasında Türkiye’de Öğretmen Yetiştirme Politikalarına İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme

Göster/ Aç
Çalışıcı , Büşra
Ambargo Süresi
Acik erisimÜst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
The purpose of this study was to present the current situation of teacher training
policies in Turkey between 2006-2018 with the historical perspective to analyze
and evaluate the teacher training system by examining the problems existed. With
this purpose, teacher training system was discussed by focusing on training
process, service process and teacher competencies. The data was gathered by
reviewing the literature. Laws and regulations, development plans, National
Education Councils, national and international policy papers, the papers extracted
from the statistics of Ministry of National Education and Higher Education Board
and related studies were analyzed. In literature review of the study, reforms and
policy papers in teacher training by 2006-2018 were also presented to give a
holistic view to the policies on teacher training in Turkey. The findings were
analyzed regarding to training process, service process and teacher
competencies. According to the results, candidate teachers are accepted to the
training programs by the centralized exam designed by Student Selection and
Placement Centre (OSYM) required for higher education. Teacher training
programs and pedagogical formation programs are arranged according to the
needs. In service process, teachers are appointed by Civil Servant Selection
Examination (KPSS) and oral exam and they are employed in different positions
as permanent, substitute and contracted teachers. Teacher competencies are
defined as Professional Knowledge, Professional Skill and Attitude and Values. By
analyzing the results of the study, some suggestions are made for researchers
and practitioners.
Aşağıdaki lisans dosyası bu öğe ile ilişkilidir:
İlgili öğeler
Başlık, yazar, küratör ve konuya göre gösterilen ilgili öğeler.
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